Tip: Separate multiple keywords using a semicolon (;) for best results. If using proper names, try to use proper casing (although even in the text, it sometimes varies).
The Pomeranian Review January 1994

9 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... non-member classification-one price for all. There were also some price adjustments in some of the black/white ads. (Check page 3 for specifics.)In addition, the Review offers a full color inside page for...

The Pomeranian Review February 1994

6 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

..., Can. Ch. Pomirish Cr Puffs Only Chance (light cream Specialty winner and multi-group winner)Sire: black and tan son of Ch. Pomirish Desiree's G.E. ScooterWh. 7/12/93, (one orange sable male and female)Da...

The Pomeranian Review April 1994

15 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...price, the advertiser will receive a sixth one free. Photos will still be charged at $10 per photo; black and white only, no color. The ads must be placed within a 24 month (12 issues) period. You are not ...

The Pomeranian Review June 1994

16 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...s. Well, yes, it w; genetic. But was it the same defective ger in all breeds, like the gene for the black/ta coat pattern? Or was it due to differei defective genes that produced an apparent! similar resul...

The Pomeranian Review August 1994

19 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... shop and grew to be 18 pounds. Joe and Rob earned their CDX title. The third Pom is a two-year old black called Izzy. Rob calls Izzy his "Border Collie" because he is always moving. Rob hopes Izzy will sl...

The Pomeranian Review October 1994

16 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... Aspects of LoveAlex is pictured as an example of blended pedigrees in my household. This excellent black and tan male was produced by taking a Billy daughter to Bravo.Marge Kranzfelder Forever Yours Pomer...

The Pomeranian Review January 1995

11 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...understanding of the "real" Pom ideal.Pomeranian HealthA program to begin developing solutions for "Black Skin" disease was initiated early in 1995. A Veterinary Dermatologist, Dr. Carol Foil, DVM at LSU, ...

The Pomeranian Review February 1995

16 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...o Glory (BIS Ch Absolute's gic Mountain x Star Haven's Glory Michelle)Star Haven's Legendary Spice. Black and Tan owned by Nancy Smith. Star Haven's Rock N Rebecca, sable female./Sl&\Janice Young 18 W. Spr...

The Pomeranian Review April 1995

17 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...uisiana State University. She is the board-certified veterinary dermatologist who gave the talk on "black skin" disease at the La Cajun Pom Club in October. This study will be undertaken in conjunction wit...

The Pomeranian Review August 1995

10 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...ayou View Poms PO Box 1943 Morgan City, LA 70381 (504) 384-0486Owners/Handlers John W. and Karen A. Blackwell JK's Country Poms 114 Sunny Lane Florence, MS 39073 (601)845-2413points were a three-point majo...

The Pomeranian Review October 1995

22 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...the day. Four ;dience entries went home with legs and a, Megan's Spitfire owned by Marti lifko, and Black Magic's Samuri Warrior ned by Dr. Sandra K. Woods, finished ir CD titles. Mr. Dana Plonkey then too...

The Pom Reader 1996 Stud Dog Directory

13 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...er Rapp's Autumn PunkinAdkin's Band Box CupcakeMidnight is sound, well up on toes with heavy, solid black coat. He is now 8 years old and will be at public stud for a limited time. He is temporarily residi...

The Pomeranian Review February 1996

10 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... in bre< points for 1995!! This fun little dog's fii puppies are on the ground, including beautiful black and tan Miracle girl whelpf three days after a c-section! (Mother and; 3 girls are fine!)Majestic P...

The Pomeranian Review April 1996

5 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... the interior of a doghouse. A doghouse painted white was 15 to 20 degrees cooler than an identical black doghouse. In climates with seasonal changes, a moderate green is most practical.Ralston Purina Comp...

The Pom Registry September 1997

13 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...Malaysia Thailand Breeding quality Orange Orange Sable, Cream, Cream Sable, White, Wolf Sable, and Black Pomeranians from UK Hadleigh lines. m - 1 i- ' ePO Box 19 Patho, Victoria 3564 Australia Phone 61...

The Pomeranian Review January 1994

9 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... non-member classification-one price for all. There were also some price adjustments in some of the black/white ads. (Check page 3 for specifics.)In addition, the Review offers a full color inside page for...

The Pomeranian Review February 1994

6 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

..., Can. Ch. Pomirish Cr Puffs Only Chance (light cream Specialty winner and multi-group winner)Sire: black and tan son of Ch. Pomirish Desiree's G.E. ScooterWh. 7/12/93, (one orange sable male and female)Da...

The Pomeranian Review April 1994

15 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...price, the advertiser will receive a sixth one free. Photos will still be charged at $10 per photo; black and white only, no color. The ads must be placed within a 24 month (12 issues) period. You are not ...

The Pomeranian Review June 1994

16 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...s. Well, yes, it w; genetic. But was it the same defective ger in all breeds, like the gene for the black/ta coat pattern? Or was it due to differei defective genes that produced an apparent! similar resul...

The Pomeranian Review August 1994

19 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... shop and grew to be 18 pounds. Joe and Rob earned their CDX title. The third Pom is a two-year old black called Izzy. Rob calls Izzy his "Border Collie" because he is always moving. Rob hopes Izzy will sl...

The Pomeranian Review October 1994

16 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... Aspects of LoveAlex is pictured as an example of blended pedigrees in my household. This excellent black and tan male was produced by taking a Billy daughter to Bravo.Marge Kranzfelder Forever Yours Pomer...

The Pomeranian Review January 1995

11 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...understanding of the "real" Pom ideal.Pomeranian HealthA program to begin developing solutions for "Black Skin" disease was initiated early in 1995. A Veterinary Dermatologist, Dr. Carol Foil, DVM at LSU, ...

The Pomeranian Review February 1995

16 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...o Glory (BIS Ch Absolute's gic Mountain x Star Haven's Glory Michelle)Star Haven's Legendary Spice. Black and Tan owned by Nancy Smith. Star Haven's Rock N Rebecca, sable female./Sl&\Janice Young 18 W. Spr...

The Pomeranian Review April 1995

17 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...uisiana State University. She is the board-certified veterinary dermatologist who gave the talk on "black skin" disease at the La Cajun Pom Club in October. This study will be undertaken in conjunction wit...

The Pomeranian Review August 1995

10 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...ayou View Poms PO Box 1943 Morgan City, LA 70381 (504) 384-0486Owners/Handlers John W. and Karen A. Blackwell JK's Country Poms 114 Sunny Lane Florence, MS 39073 (601)845-2413points were a three-point majo...

The Pomeranian Review October 1995

22 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...the day. Four ;dience entries went home with legs and a, Megan's Spitfire owned by Marti lifko, and Black Magic's Samuri Warrior ned by Dr. Sandra K. Woods, finished ir CD titles. Mr. Dana Plonkey then too...

The Pom Reader 1996 Stud Dog Directory

13 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...er Rapp's Autumn PunkinAdkin's Band Box CupcakeMidnight is sound, well up on toes with heavy, solid black coat. He is now 8 years old and will be at public stud for a limited time. He is temporarily residi...

The Pomeranian Review February 1996

10 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... in bre< points for 1995!! This fun little dog's fii puppies are on the ground, including beautiful black and tan Miracle girl whelpf three days after a c-section! (Mother and; 3 girls are fine!)Majestic P...

The Pomeranian Review April 1996

5 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... the interior of a doghouse. A doghouse painted white was 15 to 20 degrees cooler than an identical black doghouse. In climates with seasonal changes, a moderate green is most practical.Ralston Purina Comp...

The Pom Registry September 1997

13 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...Malaysia Thailand Breeding quality Orange Orange Sable, Cream, Cream Sable, White, Wolf Sable, and Black Pomeranians from UK Hadleigh lines. m - 1 i- ' ePO Box 19 Patho, Victoria 3564 Australia Phone 61...