Tip: Separate multiple keywords using a semicolon (;) for best results. If using proper names, try to use proper casing (although even in the text, it sometimes varies).
The Pomeranian Review October 1969

1 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...e hospital's Children Medical and Surgical Center.Anna was the patient on whom the first successful Blue Baby operation was performed at the hospital in 1943. The operation has since corrected heart defec...

The Pomeranian Review January 1970

1 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...es to visit them " Daisy Davies, London, Ontario. Daisy and her husband came to visit us out of the blue one Sunday when I didn't know a Pom person within miles. Daisy and I chatted and chatted and she ha...

The Pomeranian Review April 1970

3 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...And sire ofTiny Ked Ruby of Trail's End1st Open Bitch, WB and BOS " needs major to finish At TheAll Blue Ribbon Golden Gate Specialty Both received the N.C.P.C. Challenge Cups.Judge, Maxwell Riddle.All-St...

The Pomeranian Review July 1970

1 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...Ringmaster! Have fun with this one Pat. Ruth Doctor's Lad's Imp of Gold Glory was reserve winLOVELY BLUE POMSSmallGuaranteed unfading Good ProducersAlsoRing Ready Red* Orange & Sable Puppies USUALLYLatham...

The Pomeranian Review October 1972

7 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...AN REVIEWGORKIN'S POMERANIANSOffers At StudWilma's Hobby Honey Dipper"SI2 lb. orange Wilma's Dapper Blue Heller"3V: lb. Blue (There will be Pictures in the next issue.)Wilma's Dapper Blue Heller Bred to a...

The Pomeranian Review January 1973

5 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...rs should be used whenever possible as they will be computerized. Other acceptable colors would be; blue, black and tan, parti color, and beaver. The last four colors may be used but would not be computer...

The Pomeranian Review April 1973

10 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...ganBRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGSTomanoH's Tiger's Tiny Tim owned by Opal MosherOPEN DOGS, BLACK, BROWN AND BLUEAdkin's Tiny Ebony Jambalaya owned by Phyllis SeeleyOPEN DOGS RED, ORANGE, CREAM AND SABLEMillamor's...

The Pomeranian Review July 1973

4 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...pper Up, a lovely male from Mrs.Randell Freeh. Last spring they got another point for Phil's Frilly Bluesette, Com Duke's daughter purchased from Olga Barker. An extreme interest in the Champion Corn Duke...

The Pomeranian Review October 1973

20 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...at all other genetically possible Sable-colored Poms would be welcome in the show ring. The new AKC Blue Slip in giving the 9 most frequently used colors, lists Red sable as one. Other sables equally acce...

The Pomeranian Review January 1974

18 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...ass first to Daniels' Dynamite of Schooze C.D. owned by Sally Elkins.Open Bitches, black, brown and blue first to Linda Miller's Jo-May Jennifer Going Myway.First over seven entries in the red, orange, cr...

The Pomeranian Review April 1974

23 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...FormenderAMERICAN BRED BITCHESMyway Dae Dream owned by Jacquelyn KleinOPEN BITCHES BLACK, BROWN AND BLUEMarlorn's Chocolate Chip owned by Mary & Loren StraslickaOPEN BITCHES RED, ORANGE, CREAM AND SABLE R...

The Pomeranian Review January 1975

11 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...ardot AMERICAN BRED DOGSSilver Meadows Wee Puppet owned by Joyce A. FritzOPEN DOGS BLACK, BROWN AND BLUE May Morning Little Imp owned by Sophie H. MayesOPEN DOGS RED, ORANGE, CREAM AND SABLE Julie's Star ...

The Pomeranian Review April 1975

9 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...le experience. Decisions were close, and the quality so fantastic that all ribbons should have been blue with no one receiving less.Winners Dog and Best of Winners was D-Nee's Daffy Don Quixote, bred and ...

The Pomeranian Review July 1975

4 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...males.Litters sired by " Lennis's Cavilier Tigger " pointed orange sable, very stylish. Producer of blue, orange, red and black and tan.3 lb. chocolate male at stud Fur samples of chocolates Stud fee on r...

The Pomeranian Review October 1975

15 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... NO warm tint of Cream or Orange ANYWHERE on legs or body. They have Black noses, lips and eye rims.BLUE Poms may be any shade of Blue from a light Lavendar Blue or Sky Blue (most desired coloring) to a d...

The Pomeranian Review October 1969

1 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...e hospital's Children Medical and Surgical Center.Anna was the patient on whom the first successful Blue Baby operation was performed at the hospital in 1943. The operation has since corrected heart defec...

The Pomeranian Review January 1970

1 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...es to visit them " Daisy Davies, London, Ontario. Daisy and her husband came to visit us out of the blue one Sunday when I didn't know a Pom person within miles. Daisy and I chatted and chatted and she ha...

The Pomeranian Review April 1970

3 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...And sire ofTiny Ked Ruby of Trail's End1st Open Bitch, WB and BOS " needs major to finish At TheAll Blue Ribbon Golden Gate Specialty Both received the N.C.P.C. Challenge Cups.Judge, Maxwell Riddle.All-St...

The Pomeranian Review July 1970

1 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...Ringmaster! Have fun with this one Pat. Ruth Doctor's Lad's Imp of Gold Glory was reserve winLOVELY BLUE POMSSmallGuaranteed unfading Good ProducersAlsoRing Ready Red* Orange & Sable Puppies USUALLYLatham...

The Pomeranian Review October 1972

7 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...AN REVIEWGORKIN'S POMERANIANSOffers At StudWilma's Hobby Honey Dipper"SI2 lb. orange Wilma's Dapper Blue Heller"3V: lb. Blue (There will be Pictures in the next issue.)Wilma's Dapper Blue Heller Bred to a...

The Pomeranian Review January 1973

5 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...rs should be used whenever possible as they will be computerized. Other acceptable colors would be; blue, black and tan, parti color, and beaver. The last four colors may be used but would not be computer...

The Pomeranian Review April 1973

10 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...ganBRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGSTomanoH's Tiger's Tiny Tim owned by Opal MosherOPEN DOGS, BLACK, BROWN AND BLUEAdkin's Tiny Ebony Jambalaya owned by Phyllis SeeleyOPEN DOGS RED, ORANGE, CREAM AND SABLEMillamor's...

The Pomeranian Review July 1973

4 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...pper Up, a lovely male from Mrs.Randell Freeh. Last spring they got another point for Phil's Frilly Bluesette, Com Duke's daughter purchased from Olga Barker. An extreme interest in the Champion Corn Duke...

The Pomeranian Review October 1973

20 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...at all other genetically possible Sable-colored Poms would be welcome in the show ring. The new AKC Blue Slip in giving the 9 most frequently used colors, lists Red sable as one. Other sables equally acce...

The Pomeranian Review January 1974

18 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...ass first to Daniels' Dynamite of Schooze C.D. owned by Sally Elkins.Open Bitches, black, brown and blue first to Linda Miller's Jo-May Jennifer Going Myway.First over seven entries in the red, orange, cr...

The Pomeranian Review April 1974

23 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...FormenderAMERICAN BRED BITCHESMyway Dae Dream owned by Jacquelyn KleinOPEN BITCHES BLACK, BROWN AND BLUEMarlorn's Chocolate Chip owned by Mary & Loren StraslickaOPEN BITCHES RED, ORANGE, CREAM AND SABLE R...

The Pomeranian Review January 1975

11 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...ardot AMERICAN BRED DOGSSilver Meadows Wee Puppet owned by Joyce A. FritzOPEN DOGS BLACK, BROWN AND BLUE May Morning Little Imp owned by Sophie H. MayesOPEN DOGS RED, ORANGE, CREAM AND SABLE Julie's Star ...

The Pomeranian Review April 1975

9 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...le experience. Decisions were close, and the quality so fantastic that all ribbons should have been blue with no one receiving less.Winners Dog and Best of Winners was D-Nee's Daffy Don Quixote, bred and ...

The Pomeranian Review July 1975

4 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...males.Litters sired by " Lennis's Cavilier Tigger " pointed orange sable, very stylish. Producer of blue, orange, red and black and tan.3 lb. chocolate male at stud Fur samples of chocolates Stud fee on r...

The Pomeranian Review October 1975

15 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... NO warm tint of Cream or Orange ANYWHERE on legs or body. They have Black noses, lips and eye rims.BLUE Poms may be any shade of Blue from a light Lavendar Blue or Sky Blue (most desired coloring) to a d...