Tip: Separate multiple keywords using a semicolon (;) for best results. If using proper names, try to use proper casing (although even in the text, it sometimes varies).
The Pomeranian Review January 1994

1 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...heted dresses (toilet tissue) white, green, rose & white,17................. .. 25.00.......brown & cream, beige, green & white ..... Pedigree Books from Great Elms (141) pages01.................. .. 25.00...

The Pomeranian Review February 1994

5 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...ne orange female)Dam: pointed orange daughter of Am., Can. Ch. Pomirish Cr Puffs Only Chance (light cream Specialty winner and multi-group winner)Sire: black and tan son of Ch. Pomirish Desiree's G.E. Scoo...

The Pomeranian Review April 1994

3 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...rters with most cages in my basement. Newspapers cover the floors of the cages (except for white or cream colored Poms) and each has his own bed. The temperatures in the basement vary little with the seaso...

The Pomeranian Review June 1994

5 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

..., page 45) is half way to his championship. Coming out in the fall will be Leroy, Noel's son by the cream, Daybreak's Little Deuce Coupe.Ch Idlewyld Marquis Cut Diamond CD congratulates his latest champion...

The Pomeranian Review August 1994

2 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...lls O Fire was made a champion. Thank you, Erika!I now have a lovely breeding program of whites and creams-lots of Sun-Ray in the pedigrees.Berry's Pomeranians P.O. Box 122Westlake, LA 70669 (318)494-7072B...

The Pomeranian Review October 1994

1 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

.... ....3.00........ ....Dolls w/crocheted dresses (toilet tissue) white, green, rose & white,brown & cream, beige, green & white17................. .. 25.00........ ....Pedigree Books from Great Elms (141) ...

The Pomeranian Review January 1995

3 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...Golden Challenger Chesai Crystal Belle of JJ's Chesai Dixie Power AntonioCh Sun-Dot's Galactic DreamCream Bitch Breeder Ruth Dotson Owner Cande FreemanCh Sun-Dot's Ramboling Gamblor Ch Sun-Dot's Ramboling ...

The Pomeranian Review February 1995

1 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

.... .... 3.00....... ....Dolls w/crocheted dresses (toilet tissue) white, green, rose & white,brown & cream, beige, green & white17................. .. 25.00....... ....Pedigree Books from Great Elms (141) p...

The Pomeranian Review April 1995

4 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...e gets to me, she corrects me. Now there is no safety anywhere, so to relieve my stress, I need to scream a lot!"To go forward, you need to go backwardTo retrain this dog, one needs to firmly fix Learning ...

The Pomeranian Review August 1995

5 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...e put my Pom in that situation. I did cause a lot of problems that I still deal with. Remember the screaming Pom that was the hold up for working in open? He came out of this training situation.Our advance...

The Pomeranian Review October 1995

7 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...NG TIME! The granddaughter wouldn't put up with it anymore, so it was decided he had to go. A small cream male marched into my house at the end of his lead and actually thought he owned the place. I couldn...

The Pom Reader 1996 Stud Dog Directory

4 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...Mercer's CareyCh. Bonner's Pendart Challenge Mercer's Vanna^ Mercer's Viva TouchFull brothers, both creams. If you are looking for heads, coats, personality, showmanship, these two can do it for you. Plus ...

The Pomeranian Review February 1996

3 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... was bred in the United Kingdom by Mrs. Sue Smith. Pippa's sire is UK Ch. Toybox Platignum Phantom (cream sable) who was the top Pom in the UK in 1993 and 1994, and the top Stud Dog, 1994-all toys, bred by...

The Pomeranian Review April 1996

3 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... ind we have repeated that breeding, due in April. Look for Tribble's litter sister, Kitten, ilmost cream, a free-whelping 3 1/2 pounder who loves to show.Look for Caitlin's pedigree in "Behind the new Tit...

The Pom Registry September 1997

5 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... Zealand* Hong Kong* Singapore Indonesia Malaysia Thailand Breeding quality Orange Orange Sable, Cream, Cream Sable, White, Wolf Sable, and Black Pomeranians from UK Hadleigh lines. m - 1 i- ' ePO Box 1...

The Pomeranian Review January 1994

1 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...heted dresses (toilet tissue) white, green, rose & white,17................. .. 25.00.......brown & cream, beige, green & white ..... Pedigree Books from Great Elms (141) pages01.................. .. 25.00...

The Pomeranian Review February 1994

5 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...ne orange female)Dam: pointed orange daughter of Am., Can. Ch. Pomirish Cr Puffs Only Chance (light cream Specialty winner and multi-group winner)Sire: black and tan son of Ch. Pomirish Desiree's G.E. Scoo...

The Pomeranian Review April 1994

3 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...rters with most cages in my basement. Newspapers cover the floors of the cages (except for white or cream colored Poms) and each has his own bed. The temperatures in the basement vary little with the seaso...

The Pomeranian Review June 1994

5 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

..., page 45) is half way to his championship. Coming out in the fall will be Leroy, Noel's son by the cream, Daybreak's Little Deuce Coupe.Ch Idlewyld Marquis Cut Diamond CD congratulates his latest champion...

The Pomeranian Review August 1994

2 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...lls O Fire was made a champion. Thank you, Erika!I now have a lovely breeding program of whites and creams-lots of Sun-Ray in the pedigrees.Berry's Pomeranians P.O. Box 122Westlake, LA 70669 (318)494-7072B...

The Pomeranian Review October 1994

1 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

.... ....3.00........ ....Dolls w/crocheted dresses (toilet tissue) white, green, rose & white,brown & cream, beige, green & white17................. .. 25.00........ ....Pedigree Books from Great Elms (141) ...

The Pomeranian Review January 1995

3 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...Golden Challenger Chesai Crystal Belle of JJ's Chesai Dixie Power AntonioCh Sun-Dot's Galactic DreamCream Bitch Breeder Ruth Dotson Owner Cande FreemanCh Sun-Dot's Ramboling Gamblor Ch Sun-Dot's Ramboling ...

The Pomeranian Review February 1995

1 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

.... .... 3.00....... ....Dolls w/crocheted dresses (toilet tissue) white, green, rose & white,brown & cream, beige, green & white17................. .. 25.00....... ....Pedigree Books from Great Elms (141) p...

The Pomeranian Review April 1995

4 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...e gets to me, she corrects me. Now there is no safety anywhere, so to relieve my stress, I need to scream a lot!"To go forward, you need to go backwardTo retrain this dog, one needs to firmly fix Learning ...

The Pomeranian Review August 1995

5 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...e put my Pom in that situation. I did cause a lot of problems that I still deal with. Remember the screaming Pom that was the hold up for working in open? He came out of this training situation.Our advance...

The Pomeranian Review October 1995

7 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...NG TIME! The granddaughter wouldn't put up with it anymore, so it was decided he had to go. A small cream male marched into my house at the end of his lead and actually thought he owned the place. I couldn...

The Pom Reader 1996 Stud Dog Directory

4 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...Mercer's CareyCh. Bonner's Pendart Challenge Mercer's Vanna^ Mercer's Viva TouchFull brothers, both creams. If you are looking for heads, coats, personality, showmanship, these two can do it for you. Plus ...

The Pomeranian Review February 1996

3 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... was bred in the United Kingdom by Mrs. Sue Smith. Pippa's sire is UK Ch. Toybox Platignum Phantom (cream sable) who was the top Pom in the UK in 1993 and 1994, and the top Stud Dog, 1994-all toys, bred by...

The Pomeranian Review April 1996

3 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... ind we have repeated that breeding, due in April. Look for Tribble's litter sister, Kitten, ilmost cream, a free-whelping 3 1/2 pounder who loves to show.Look for Caitlin's pedigree in "Behind the new Tit...

The Pom Registry September 1997

5 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... Zealand* Hong Kong* Singapore Indonesia Malaysia Thailand Breeding quality Orange Orange Sable, Cream, Cream Sable, White, Wolf Sable, and Black Pomeranians from UK Hadleigh lines. m - 1 i- ' ePO Box 1...