Tip: Separate multiple keywords using a semicolon (;) for best results. If using proper names, try to use proper casing (although even in the text, it sometimes varies).
The Pomeranian Review January 1976

35 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...st, 33 Second, 14 Third,10 Fourth, 16 BEST IN SHOWS. Second Top Toy 1973, Top Toy 1974.IN THIS ISSUEOBEDIENCE RING by Emma Heyde POM SURVIVES IN THE WILD by Margarethe KemnerVisit to Silver Meadows Kennels SPE...

The Pomeranian Review April 1976

31 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... Mary Casey, and handled by Mary.After the Sweepstakes, there was a remarkable demonstration of the obedience skills at which Poms are so adept. Gladys Dykstra narrated the program of Novice and Open work. Dr....

The Pomeranian Review July 1976

23 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...e of the meeting, the 1975 Show Statistic were released which I would like to share with you.In the Obedience area, the Pomeranians really performed with 35 completing their C.D. Degree; 8 completing their C.D...

The Pomeranian Review January 1977

64 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...eated to a preshowing of the latest film by the AKC called 200. It is a film intended expressly for obedience people but I believe it will be of interest to all fanciers, as it is both informative and entertai...

The Pomeranian Review April 1977

9 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...Y COLONY POMERANIAN CLUB Specialty Show in conjunction with the Hockamock Kennel Club All Breed and Obedience Show Saturday, July 2, 1977 North Attleboro, Massachusetts.Sample New England Hospitality with a 3-...

The Pomeranian Review July 1977

20 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...at) Brooks of Ladson, South Carolina. Pat has owned Poms for a number of years and is interested in obedience as well as showing in the breed ring, and she is also a breeder. You can help Pat in her new job by...

The Pomeranian Review October 1977

30 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...ile the members were busy attending Club affairs, the rest of us took time out to watch the dogs in obedience. The highlight of the day for me, was the performance of Casmar's Chiper, owned by Jennie Martin, S...

The Pomeranian Review January 1978

10 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...imes Opal finds herself holding the overflow in her arms during the vacation season.Opal teaches an obedience class one night each week which is a real source of pleasure for her. Next to her love of dogs, is ...

The Pomeranian Review April 1978

8 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...know me, let me introduce myself. John and I have had Pomeranians just nine years. My first love is obedience, but I enjoy most aspects of the dog game. We have four CD's, one champion, and until a few days ag...

The Pomeranian Review July 1978

12 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...hang in the house. She is also co-founder of The New Hampshire Collie Club and of The New Hampshire Obedience Club.She is the current President of The Bay Colony Pomeranian Club.One of Barbara's favorite pastt...

The Pomeranian Review October 1978

13 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... consistency. I have asked Wanda to tell the beginnings of Queenaire in her own words:We started in obedience showing unaware that there were any other kinds of dog shows. We did quite well with our white Pom ...

The Pomeranian Review January 1979

47 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... Each1976" Oct.1977" Jan. (8), Apr. (2), July, Oct.1978" Jan., April, July, Oct.POMERANIAN REVIEW 21OBEDIENCERINGbyEMMA HEYDE 170 Chicago Way San Francisco, Cal. 94112Something really wonderful is happening in...

The Pomeranian Review May 1979

11 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...es has made to the American Pomeranian Club.Sophie has been active in training Pomeranians for both obedience and conformation for many years. There have been numerous champions, obedience degrees and contribu...

The Pomeranian Review August 1979

14 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...le. Check out all leads, but don't completely believe them. I can speak from experience, because my obedience Pom was lost. After going through the procedure that I've just shared with you, I had several repor...

The Pomeranian Review November 1979

12 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...e commended for a lovely buffet. Award plaques were given to members whose dogs attained a breed or obedience title during the year, and new officers were installed. After four year's presidency, Jessie Young ...

The Pomeranian Review January 1976

35 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...st, 33 Second, 14 Third,10 Fourth, 16 BEST IN SHOWS. Second Top Toy 1973, Top Toy 1974.IN THIS ISSUEOBEDIENCE RING by Emma Heyde POM SURVIVES IN THE WILD by Margarethe KemnerVisit to Silver Meadows Kennels SPE...

The Pomeranian Review April 1976

31 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... Mary Casey, and handled by Mary.After the Sweepstakes, there was a remarkable demonstration of the obedience skills at which Poms are so adept. Gladys Dykstra narrated the program of Novice and Open work. Dr....

The Pomeranian Review July 1976

23 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...e of the meeting, the 1975 Show Statistic were released which I would like to share with you.In the Obedience area, the Pomeranians really performed with 35 completing their C.D. Degree; 8 completing their C.D...

The Pomeranian Review January 1977

64 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...eated to a preshowing of the latest film by the AKC called 200. It is a film intended expressly for obedience people but I believe it will be of interest to all fanciers, as it is both informative and entertai...

The Pomeranian Review April 1977

9 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...Y COLONY POMERANIAN CLUB Specialty Show in conjunction with the Hockamock Kennel Club All Breed and Obedience Show Saturday, July 2, 1977 North Attleboro, Massachusetts.Sample New England Hospitality with a 3-...

The Pomeranian Review July 1977

20 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...at) Brooks of Ladson, South Carolina. Pat has owned Poms for a number of years and is interested in obedience as well as showing in the breed ring, and she is also a breeder. You can help Pat in her new job by...

The Pomeranian Review October 1977

30 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...ile the members were busy attending Club affairs, the rest of us took time out to watch the dogs in obedience. The highlight of the day for me, was the performance of Casmar's Chiper, owned by Jennie Martin, S...

The Pomeranian Review January 1978

10 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...imes Opal finds herself holding the overflow in her arms during the vacation season.Opal teaches an obedience class one night each week which is a real source of pleasure for her. Next to her love of dogs, is ...

The Pomeranian Review April 1978

8 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...know me, let me introduce myself. John and I have had Pomeranians just nine years. My first love is obedience, but I enjoy most aspects of the dog game. We have four CD's, one champion, and until a few days ag...

The Pomeranian Review July 1978

12 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...hang in the house. She is also co-founder of The New Hampshire Collie Club and of The New Hampshire Obedience Club.She is the current President of The Bay Colony Pomeranian Club.One of Barbara's favorite pastt...

The Pomeranian Review October 1978

13 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... consistency. I have asked Wanda to tell the beginnings of Queenaire in her own words:We started in obedience showing unaware that there were any other kinds of dog shows. We did quite well with our white Pom ...

The Pomeranian Review January 1979

47 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... Each1976" Oct.1977" Jan. (8), Apr. (2), July, Oct.1978" Jan., April, July, Oct.POMERANIAN REVIEW 21OBEDIENCERINGbyEMMA HEYDE 170 Chicago Way San Francisco, Cal. 94112Something really wonderful is happening in...

The Pomeranian Review May 1979

11 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...es has made to the American Pomeranian Club.Sophie has been active in training Pomeranians for both obedience and conformation for many years. There have been numerous champions, obedience degrees and contribu...

The Pomeranian Review August 1979

14 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...le. Check out all leads, but don't completely believe them. I can speak from experience, because my obedience Pom was lost. After going through the procedure that I've just shared with you, I had several repor...

The Pomeranian Review November 1979

12 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...e commended for a lovely buffet. Award plaques were given to members whose dogs attained a breed or obedience title during the year, and new officers were installed. After four year's presidency, Jessie Young ...