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The Pom Reader October 1993
Table of Contents
On the cover: GOLDEN AIRES POMERANIANS Owned by Sharon & John Masnick, Huger, SC CoverNEW CHAMPIONS Titles confirmed September 1993 8
OLYMPIA! a/k/a Lois Ciliberto ?
Guest article: Hairless Dwarfs, by Dean Hebert ?
UPDATE Top Ten Exhibitors 14
MY POM PAL by Pam West Another story by Barbara Montgomery 16
SrOti The CovetHAPPY HALLOWEEN FROMr r,.^rGOLDEN AIRES SPECIAL EDITIONEddie Sharon...a very Special Team.Eddie is a special blend of Golden Aires and Millamor lines. BreederHandler Sharon Masnick, Golden Aires Owner Edd Bannister, DrabanGOLDEN AIRES KNIGHTWALKERWatch for Al Walker to walk into the Winners CircleAgent Al Miniero, Alerek BreederOwner Sharon MasnickGOLDEN AIRES POMSSharon MasnickHCR 65 Box 745, Huger, SC 29450 803-928-3511\-The Pom Reader October 1993SHARON AND JOHN MASNICKJ AND ALL THE youtrustforhandletomeingpomsyour forokinQloI mmanytoarda pomthemyearsringALwithGOLDENAIRESELECTRICAVENUEAL MINIEROALL BREED PROFESSIONAL HANDLER ALEREK WHIPPETS 4066 ANVIL BLOCK ROAD ELLENWOOD, GEORGIA 30049404 507-8667\\L"\C01I .AThe Pom Reader October 1993473.'he TQomREADERSEPTEMBER 1993 VOLUME VIII, NUMBER SIXTABLE OF CONTENTS2. On the cover GOLDEN AIRES POMERANIANSOwned by Sharon John Masnick, Huger, SC.8. NEW CHAMPIONSTitles confirmed September 1993.10. OLYMPIA aka Lois CilibertoGuest article Hairless Dwarfs, by Dean Hebert.14. SPECIAL ADDITIONTop Twenty Poms.14. UPDATETop Ten Exhibitors.16. MY POM PAL by Pam WestAnother story by Barbara Montgomery.20. THE THIRD TIMES NOT ALWAYS THE CHARMBeing a breeder can be tough. By Barbara J. LaCroix.22. PR PLAYMATESOur pup-ular candid photo department. Also page 24.25. KNOCK, KNOCK WHOS THEREThe Pom Reader visits Golden Aires Poms.THE POM READER is published eleven times per year since March 1985 by Doll-McGinnis Publications, a division of Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604, out of great admiration for the Pomeranian breed. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, Florida. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the rightThe Pom Reader October 1993to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third Class service in the continental United States 33.00 per year. Canadian and U.S. First Class 55.00 per year. Foreign prices upon request. ALL ISSUES OF THE THE POM READER ARE SENT AS A COURTESY TO AKC-LICENSED POMERANIAN TOY GROUP AND ALLBREED JUDGES. Direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis Editor, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604. Telephone 813-858-3839. FAX 813-853-3624. Office hours. 9-5 EST Monday through Friday.INDEX TO ADVERTISERSALLAN, M___________________________ 15BAKER, L....___________________ ........___33BAKER, T___________________________ 15BANNISTER, E_______________________ 39BARNES, D. R............................................. 19BEAM, R_____________________________31BENNETT, I__________________________33BERNEY, S__________________________ .23BERRY, N.........................................................15BYRD, L_____________________________ 15CARLOUGH, M______________________ 38CARSON, M. B.......................................23,34CATES, B. C_______________________ 23CILIBERTO, L. B...................................... 23CONRAD, H.....................................................15COLCLASURE, S-------------------------------- 19CREED, C___________________________ .21DOMRASE, A. J____________________.21DOSSINGER, M..............................................36DUPRE, J........................................................ .35EIB, S________________________________15EPPS, N.............................................................38FIDDICK, R. Sc J............................................23FINCH, D.........................................................15FREEMAN, C_________________________19FREIA, J____________________________ -23GASAWAY, I_________________________15GOODSON, J.................................................. 35GRAF, H_____________________________21GRIFFITH, K________________________ 21GUGGENHEIMER, C_________________ 36HARRIS, B........................................................37HARTZ, K__________________________ 23HOVEY J____________________________ 15IRVING, G........................................................36JACHALKE, D. Y------------------------------23LISELLI, A 8cJ_____________________ 9,34LITONJUA, D. M___________________ 19LIZAMBRI, S__________________________7LOVELY, V__________________________ 15McALILEY, M,J,C,P,K S_____________37MARTIN, D___________________________23MASON, B....................................................... 19MASNICK, S. St J_____________ 1,2,17,23,40MILLER, E________________________ 17,23MINIERO, A___________________________3MORROW, T. T______________________9NIMMO, U.________________________ 15,17NAGY, B. S_________________________ 19NORRIS, B. Sc B______________________ 19PHILBROOK, S..............................................15POOLE, R____________________________23POWELL, J__________________________ 32RAY, B__________________________ 7,23,38REILLY, R. J_______________________ 21RGS TOYS Sc PEDIGREES------------------- 15ROGERS-RISTER, A................................... .21ROSENBAUM, M...........................................23SCHROEDER, R.............................................36SCHROLL, J---------------------------------------37SHARP, E. Sc D...............................................15SMITH, R.........................................................23SPADY, L. E------------------------------------33SPROUSE, L....................................................15WEBSTER, Y...................................WELLS, M. St G-------------------WILLIS,V..........................................YAP, B----------------------------------------------- 3YOUNG, J....................................................... 38Greetings...fromPHILIPPINE CH. DERONILL'S BILLIONAIRE BILLand the other Canton PomeraniansBill is sired by Eng. Ch. Derronill's Millionaire, a litter brother to Japanese Ch. Derronill's Millenum, who was also sired by Crufts Winner Eng. Ch.Derronill's Maxamillion and Eng. Ch. Cygal's Angelique. Bill's mother is Paddockwood Domino who produced Eng. Ch. Derronill's Heart Throb whilst her littermate Paddockwood Pom Puss produced 1989 England's top winning Pom, Eng. Ch.Paddockwood Pretty Risky. Another Domino littermate, Paddockwood Huckleberry, was England's Top Stud dog up to June 1988, producing Cruft Winner Eng. Sableway's Silver Statesman and Eng. Ch. Sableway's Silver Lining.Bill's pedigree goes back to Eng. Ch.Hadleigh Shining Star two 2x times, and his half brothers, Eng. Ch. Hadleigh Supersonic and Hadleigh Tom Thumb, seven 7x times.77^,BASILIO C. YAPPasay Central PO Box 453 Pasay City 1399 Philippines 632 833-9890 9 - 10 p.m. New York time632 827-3532 6 - 7 p.m. New York time - temporary telephoneThe Pom Reader. October 1993IHe was a clumsy, dopey little boy, but I fell head-over-heels in love with him...I am nobodys idea of a professional cattleman, but my love affair with the Angus breed has its roots in early childhood. As soon as was feasible in my life, I made sure that Angus played a part. And, like in the sport of purebred dogs, I was lucky to learn from some of the greats and to benefit from their vast knowledge. In particular, my partner Duane Dolls background was of great help - he grew up on a large ranch in Kansas and was winning with his own breeding at an early age. But, also like the sport of purebred dogs, after I had acquired sufficient knowledge to have a pretty good grasp of the ins and outs of the breed, I quickly learned to judge the way I judge many other things by gut instinct. It has rarely proved me wrong.And so it was with Tony. As I wandered around the fancy ranch during the pre-auction viewing, I came face-to-face with the most breathtaking Angus female I had ever seen. And huddled at her feet was a little boy who even then exuded that special quality that smacks of stardom. I was smitten.I was also bidding in pretty fast company, for the buyers were from all over the world. They had arrived by limo, private jet, and, for all I know, space shuttle, I mean, we were talking really high finance here. Imagine my surprise not to mention that of some rich people from Brazil when we outbid all comers and Rose and her baby boy were ours.Tony took them all on right out of the box. As he grew and developed we knew we had a winner we were determined to give him every opportunity to show what he could do.It is the sameFLORIDA STATE FAIr Jfcfi 4F ir1j Owner Duane Doll, fitter Tommy Lee, andyours truly appear stunned at the top award attained by Circle G Remington, commonly called, "Tony."commitment we have always made to the dogs. And, as in dogdom, there comes a time when the show career is over and one must move on to other individuals. So after a fabulous career, Tony retired to a life of leisure and occasional breeding.Its a little odd, I suppose, to keep cattle as companion animals. But, as our dogs are family, the cattle are our pets. And, contrary to widespread belief, they doTony winning his third Grand Champion award - another record of sorts as he was always the youngest Angus in competition. His incredible growth rate is very apparent.have personalities. But Tony turned out to be, indeed, one-of-a-kind.At maturity he weighed 2,700 pounds, and he was well aware of his impressive stature. Any time of the day you could glance up on the hill and there he would be, stacked perfectly, posing for the worlds admiration. Another habit of his provided a little excitement to strangers. Tony, quite often, would stand right at the comer of the property, startling the daylights out of drivers rounding the comer. Often you would hear a screech of brakes. One man told me he thought it was a statue until Tony flicked his tail. He was dignity personified or bovinified, perhaps. And he became something of a local tourist attraction.But the time came when Tony was surrounded by only his mother and daughters andthat kind of breeding program is not exactly smart. A long-time admirer sf his had begged us for years to sell him one day we made the decision and we, truth to tell, cried as he left. But the place he was going was great, and the facility, first- rate. Tony was put on display at a feed store and his circle of admirers grew and grew. And Tony grew more magnificent by the day.Today we got a phone call that effectively mined the month. Last night Tony was struck by lightning. He died instantly.And so we started thinking that it was somehow our fault, that if he had stayed here, he would be alive and well. But, of course, that kind of thinking never got anybody anywhere. No matter how many contracts are signed, and agreements reached, once a dog, a cat, or any animal becomes the property of someone else, we really have no control. And freak accidents do happen.Well, we did our best for him while he was here. He wanted for nothing and, I believe, he knew that he was loved. And in that we find some measure of consolation.With thanks to Tonv foThe Pom Reader October 1993Ben Ray PomsPRESENTSit IVSiAAjJOne of ourfavorites and one of his daughtersOPPOSITE SEX WINNERS BITCHNEW CHAMPIONSiCh. BenRay's Sundancing Simon Ch. BenRay's She Is A BellaMy thanks to Carroll and Mary and to Judge Glenda Dawkins for these winsAgents CARROLL MARY JAMES Owner BENSON RAY2007 VESTRY DRIVE, CHARLESTONE, SC 29414 803 571-6165Liberte' PomeraniansPresenting...CH. APPLE'S TRAVELING LIBERTE'Daughter of Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond Has been bred to Ch. Apple's Traveling RamblerThanks, Joyce ApplePedigree on RequestSTELLA M. LIZAMBRI133 Camelot Drive Goose Creek, South Carolina 29445 .803 553-0188- -fn rr. - wBEST OF OPPOSITEPLAINFIELDKENNEL CLUB MAY1991JOHN ASHBETS X'J-'hwkyn' -M. . .., _ , . ,.V [ LiThe Pom Reader October 1993scHewConfirmed September 1993tons...Apolloette Top Brass D by Great Elms Tinker Toy x Apolloette Rambling Rose Breeder Marlene Martin Presser Owner Rose Mary Smalley Marlene PresserBobkat Royal Roedwulf D by Unicorns High Expectations x Bobkat Twinkle Toes BreederOwner Kathleen T. McCalskyCarousels Little Big Man D by Ch. Carousels Coca Cola Cowboy x Carousels Precious Angelica BreederOwnerLinda GustafsonClairmonts Carolina Simone B by Ch. Apples Traveling Rambler x Ch. Clairmonts Carolina Trilogy BreederOwner Lance BrysonDimondes Saf-Fire B by Ch. Elans Inferno x Dimonde Solitaire of Emcee BreederOwner Diana M. DowneyDupres Sparkling Gold Buck D by Ch. Dupres Sparkling Gold Buster x Dupres Sparkling Nite Angel BreederOwner Mrs. James R. Dupre Sr.Jimcins The Image of Friday D by Ch. Shy Acres Our Man Friday x Jimcins The Joy of Friday Breeder Adrian Alford Owner Adrian Syble AlfordJohnstoys Musical Comedy B by Ch. Jolly Wee Music of Tim Sue x Ch. Tim Sues High Tide Breeder Bronya G. Johnston Sue Goddard Owner Richard F. Bronya G. JohnstonLady Patricia Bubbles of Joy B by Ch. Stolanne Thunderbolt Thor x Ch. Autumns Broadway Betty Ann Breeder Emily Untalan Owner Patricia M. Fox Emily UntalanMcGuires Wish Upon A Star D by McGuires Star of Moody x McGuires Fancy Mandy Breeder Goldie McGuire Owner Jo Ann KernMorenos Dandi Lion D by Ch. Odysseys Keno Wiz x Ch. Morenos Sweet Pea Breeder Julie Moreno Owner Hideko W. StrasbaughObsession Dances With Dragon D by Ch. Pedrons Dragon The Conqueror x Watts Little Tina Tyrant BreederOwner Juan GomezPhyner Murphy Brown B by Phyner Jubilee Brown Study x Phyner Carmella BreederOwner Dolly B. Trauner.Pom Acres Mighty Midge B by Rockys Cloud Nine x Pom Acres Keisha Of SableBreeder Juanita Fiddick Owner Roxanne ChumbleyPrimrose Doctor Devious D by Ch. Tim Sues Dazzling Light x Primrose Light Impressions BreederOwner Donna L. ParkersonSouthlands Showstopper D by Ch. Southlands Sir Impressive x Southlands Simply EleganyBreederOwner Charlotte CreedStolannes Thoradora Bella B by Ch. Sungolds Rider Almond Roca x Ch. Sungolds Peggy Sue BreederOwner Anna LafortuneTomho Mud Slinger D by Ch. Tomho Caviar Dreams x Tomho Mud Dauber Breeder Tommi Hooban Owner Angie RobertsCONGRATULATIONS TO ALLNew Champions are taken from the AKC Gazette and published as space permits.The Pom Reader October 1993AN-JO POMERANIANSProudly announces our first home-bred champion CH. AN-JO DANCIN AUTUMN SPECTRUMCh. AN-JO Dancing Fire x Ch. Golden Aires Li'l Gold CaddyOur thanks to all the judges who found our boy worthy. "Spec" has been superbly shown, loved and cared for bya very special lady, a true professional,GLORIA SETMAYER.Loved and Handled By GLORIA SETMAYER 496 Cedar Lane Paramus, New Jersey 07652 201 652-9327Terimar PomsBreeding for quality, soundness and beautyPresents Terimar's Dark Lady "Dixie"Rhea-Na's Hot Shot of T T x Shannon's BT-Tandy O'ScotiaGoefeous, Typey, Showy, Black BitchThank you to all the judges that saw her qualityMrs. Sivori shown, Mary McCoy, Forrest McCoy, L. Hutchenson, Mr. Gregory, J. PentaAvailable Repeat of "dixie", litter due 93093 1 Chocolate female puppy 1 Orange female puppy 1 Beaver female adult 1 Orange male show qualitySeveral others for pet, show, or breeding.TIM AND TERRY MORROW1246 N. Frederick Pike Winchester, Virginia 22603703 662-TOYSAT - ifFr. -V,lf. 'BEST OF OPPOSITEi NEW RIVER . VALLEY AKENNEL CLUBThanks, Gloria, you made a dream come trueOwned and Loved By ANNA JOSEPH LISELLI 27 President Road Mastic Beach, New York 11951 516 281-8246\1iiLIMAKENNEL CLUB JUNE1992 PHOTO BYK. BOOTH 41V _ 4The Pom Reader October 199310VrTOSHu v\mnka Lois CilibertoDoy ^focof cmd...Well, readers, it is my pleasure to feature another thought- provoking article written by Mr. E.Dean Hebert of Treasured Pomeranians in Louisiana.Deans letterin last months column drew such positive response that our editor JMcG is threatening to give him his own bylineRead on to see why... OlympiaDear OlympiaHAIRLESS DWARFSAs you can see, nothing really bad has happened to me yet, but that could be due to the fact that subscribers have not yet received the September 1993 issue of the Pom Reader and havent read my controversial opinions regarding cryptorchid males. Be that as it may, Ive decided to assay another essay and add fuel to the fire.This time I am addressing the subject of Hairless Dwarfs. I am no geneticist, nor am I professing to be, but one thing is evident about this skin disease simply that if you breed to a dog with it you will surely get offspring with the disease. At the veryleast, you will get a carrier of the condition.In my last article, I discussed what Pomeranian breeders were breeding for...and I concluded that it was for beauty and for beauty alone. Our toys dont work, pull sleds in snow, or herd cattle in winter. They dont hunt deer, bear, antelope, or the like, and they do not physically defend our homes, ranches, or office buildings from predators. We love and treasure our toys simply for their beauty and for the pleasure that trait brings us. Their beauty should be evident day-in and day-out, every day of every month of every year, for as long as they live. And, if we, as owners andbreeders, are to brag on our dogs and their beauty, we must be able to show them at all times. If we must hide our dogs in the closet, or under the bed, or at our boyfriends house or girlfriends house when visitors come, then changes are definitely in order.Getting angry at anyone who mentions this skin disease, blaming me for bringing the matter into the open, feeling that this article is aimed specifically at you, arguing that low profile should be maintained and that dirty linen shouldnt be aired in public, will not solve the problem. It will not just go away if it is ignored.It is time for drastic measures to be taken and RESPONSIBLE POMERANIAN BREEDERS MUST STAND UP AND BE COUNTEDBreeding, even once, to any dog that has the disease is a mockery of the Code of Ethics of the APC, which every breeder affirms every time heshe applies for a litter registration through the AKC. I specificall call your attention to numbers 6, 10 nd 11 of the Code which I excerpt7 lc for your conveniei 'eThe Pom Reader October 1993116.1 will advise the purchaser of my puppy to have the puppy checked by a veterinarian within 2 days 48 hours of the sale additional time allowed if the puppy is sold on a Friday or Saturday. I will refund the purchase price or take the puppy back and replace it, if it is found to be unfit.10. In my breeding program I will keep alert for and work to control andor eradicate inherited problems and conditions that are particular to my breed, and breed asclosely as possible to the standard of the breed.11.1 will represent my dogs as honestly as possible to prospective buyers and try to assist the serious novice in his understanding of the breed.Breeding a bitch to a dog over and over again and producing litter after litter with the disease is unconscionableAt this point, everyone who writes about this problem goes into a genetic mode to justify the continued use ofan afflicted animal for breeding purposes. Unable to dazzle you with brilliance, they go into convoluted explanations and try to baffle you with B.S.. The issue at hand is plain and simple and it does not take Mendel and his wrinkled pea or tall and short plants to figure it out. I will state for you the only two ways that I see it can occur and you will see for yourself that ABC. You can use your own alphabet and come up with the same equations. The first way is a matter of simple genetics see diagram below leftThe second way is sex-linked. The only real things necessary to remember with this method are1. When affected males are bred to carrier females, you will get both affected males and affected females.2. When affected males are bred to clear females, no affected males result, but all females are carriers.3. When clear males are bred to carrier females, you may expect affected males and carrier females.About the only thing that I can see as positive about sex linkage of the disease is that if a male does not exhibit it, then he does not carry the gene at all therefore, we at least have a few good dogs to start over with.Females are another matter. If a female bred to a clear male produces affected puppies, she is obviously a carrier and should be removed from a breeding program and spayed. One thing that makes the determination of a carrier difficult is that by breeding directly and repeatedly to males exhibiting the condition, whether with or without hair at the time of breeding the females status as a carrier remains in question. However, it must be remembered that a female out of an affected dog is always a carrier, so that at least in these situations we may eliminate these bitches from our breeding program. Any way you slice this pie, whether Sex-Linked or Simple Genetics, the salient fact remains that you cannot breed to a male that exhibits the condition without passing on the trait either directly or indirectly through his daughters.I know, and I am sure that you know, of instances where avid show peopleA AA AA AAA AA AAALL CLEARa aa aa aaa aa aaA Aa aA aA 1a aA aA 1ALL AFFEC TEDALL CARRIERSAACLEARaACARRIERaaAFFECTEDA aA AA Aaa aA aaONE CLEAR ONE CARRIERONE CARRIER ONE AFFECTEDA aJA AA A Aa aA aATWO CLEAR TWO CARRIERSa aA aA aAa aa aaTWO CARRIERS TWO AFFECTEDThe Pom Reader October 199312have a multitude of affected dogs and show them when they can. When one goes out of coat, they simply retire that dog temporarily and begin to show another dog who is currently not affected. Unless we, as responsible breeders, do something drastic now, we are on the verge of making our Pom breed so proliferated with these hairless dwarfs that there will be no uncontaminated bloodline left.Ive heard of all of the various witches brews, comprised of exotic components like bat wings, toad eyes, and hummingbird tongues, and of the various ointments and concoctions that you are supposed to rub on the affected dogs by the dark of the moon but, truth to tell, these dont work. Nor do the costly thyroid shots and cefa drops that desperate and despairing owners try. If it appears that they do work occasionally, this is due to the fact that it was just time that the dog was going to recoat anyway. Regardless, he still shouldnt be shown or used in any breeding program.We seem to have forgotten what stock our little Poms came from, and that is 30-pound, full-coated Arctic dogs. Like begets like and selective breeding necessitates ruthless destruction of the inferior and unsound stock and keeping only healthy, sound stock which conforms to the breed standard. What is happening to the Pom breed Have breeders started keeping the unsound for breeding purposes and selling our sound dogs for pets We should all remember that one hairless dwarf can destroy a breed faster than 100 unsound females. Just think a minute before you refute this claim. A male stud can breed one a day and each mating can produce from 1 to 3 hairless runts or carriers. A female can breed once or twice a year and , if the breeder is lucky, produce from 1-3 puppies per litter. You dont have to be a mathematician to see that the numbers show the male to have significantly more impact than the female in the spread of this disease. Today, some of the top winning dogs in the country are propagators of this vile and grotesque disease. Yet they continue to show until they have no hair left at all and, perhaps more importantly, they continue to breed.The Pom Reader October 1993If you think that vile and grotesque is too harsh a description of these dogs, ask any non-Pom fanciers their opinion of the beauty of one of these dogs...or, for a less tactful appraisal, ask their children. Our Poms are beautiful with their hair, but are repulsive without it. I do not mean that owners are not as fond of these dogs as they are of full coated animals, but, however much one loves them, these animals do not have a place in a well- maintained breeding program.Here we are back at the inconsistency we started our conversation about last month. On the one hand, we have a male that is beautiful 365 days a year and all he will do is produce progeny as beautiful as he is. Yet this dog is disqualified from the show ring because he lacks two fully descended testicles and he might pass this trait on to his offspring. On the other hand, we have a hairless dwarf who is being shown, advertised and used at stud indiscriminately, even though everyone knows that the hairless trait is being passed on to his progeny.Let us, as responsible breeders and lovers of the Pom breed, accept responsibility for our actions. Stop worshipping at the shrine of glamour and begin to remove the unsound animals from our gene pool. Breed only the sound. If the American Kennel Club can come to our offices and homes to see if our paperwork is in order and I applaud this action, then maybe it is time for their officials to take a hand in this matter. Maybe thetime has come for the AKC to make unscrupulous breeders do what all breeders should do to begin with maintain a breeding program which is in the best interests of the breed and strive to improve the breed, not destroy itThe consensus, it seems to me, is that all these super wonders are truly super dogs until they reach the age of 8 months to 1 year. At that time they promptly shed all their hair except for a small amount around the head and legs, and all that remains is this awful, grotesque, black skin. Some dogs get their coat back after 6 to 8 months, some never recoat. These dogs are kept hidden from the public eye, but not from breeding.Two questions come to mind. Why are we allowed to let our dogs become champions at an early age 1 Year Your guess is as good as mine. Is it our job to act responsibly, or should AKC be our warden and check that we dont destroy a beautiful toy breed for our human and greedy benefits The answer to this question can be as complicated as the Middle East Crisis which, by the way, they are getting close to solving.Dean Hebert, Treasured PomsI thank Dean for addressing this truly ticklish subject. Until the dog howls again...OLYMPIA afka Lois Ciliberto20130 Stamat Drive Land O Lakes, FL 34639 813-996-5499Qd udl quick, C3ejihieWe here at the Pom Reader wish Bemie Ciliberto a speedy recovery from his recent heart surgery. Anyone wishing to send him a card you might also drop a note to Lois Florence Nightingale Ciliberto may do so atBernie Lois Ciliberto 20130 Stamat Drive Land OLakes, FL 34639 813-996-5499JMcGcIhe, PomREADER'Che WoVUl, NUMBHH'SIX-Aldens All American PartiPointedYourShowcaseforPurebredPomeraniansSUBSCRIPTIONRATESin U.S. Dollars11 Issues Per YearDomestic33 3rd class postage 40 1st class postageForeign Rates Upon RequestSample Issues 4.00 each Back Issues 4.00 eachSubject to availabilitydt AZ\ 1-aADVERTISINGRATESIn U.S. DollarsAd SizeAnnualPrepaidContract OpenRateFull Page Deluxe Color 337.50 375.00Full Page Standard Color 250.00 250.00Full Page Black 8c White 96.00 120.00Half Page 53.00 65.0014 Page 27.00 35.0018 Page 16.00 20.00116 Page 12.00 15.00STORK REPORT NA 10.00All ads 14 page and larger include one photo. Extra black white photos 5.00 each. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine. Standard Color denotes color photo, white background, black type, less than 75 words of type, position chosen by publisher.KNOCK, KNOCK Who's ThereJER2BETHOLGA BAKER IN NOVEMBERCongratulatory ad ratesSUBSCRIPTIONINFORMATIONJoe McGinnis, Editor Phone 813-858-383 Fax 813-853-3624Telephone subscription orders by credit card onlyapply - call for information.ADVERTISING INFORMATIONDuane Doll, Publisher Phone 813-858-3839Lois Ciliberto, Sales Phone 813-996-5499DOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICATIONS 8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33809-1604The Pom Reader October 199314SPECIAL ADDITION UPDATETOP TWENTY POMERANIANS SHOWS 1-3-93 THROUGH 6-3-93SPECIAL ADDITION is your monthly rating system of the Top Twenty Pomeranians in the United States. Rules for the rating system are as followsBreed Points not to be confused with AKC Championship points are allotted to dogs according to the highest placement in any given AKC show, as reported in the AKC Show, Obedience and Field Trials Awards book. Statistician Sharon Masnick, with thanks to computer consultant Sam Sheleby.A number of breed points has been allotted to the various placements, and they are as followsBEST IN SHOW All-Breeds......................................500BEST IN SHOW Specialty........................................ 250Best of Opposite Sex Specialty....................................75TOY GROUP FIRST................................................. 250TOY GROUP SECOND............................................ 150TOY GROUP THIRD..................................................75TOY GROUP FOURTH.............................................. 25BEST OF BREED........................................................10Only show results published for the dates above appear in the total for individual dogs.TOP TEN EXHIBITORS SHOWS 1-3-93 THROUGH 6-3-93The procedures for tallying the point scale are as follows Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the calendar year, as published in the AKC Show, Obedience and Field Trials Awards book of the AKC Gazette. Only this publication will be used for point credits. Many times the actual show dates will vary from the date of publication i.e., a September show may not be published until November. The Gazette's calendar year runs from about October of the previous year to September of the present calendar year.Points are allotted to the REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG ON THE DAY OF COMPETITION Statistician Sharon Masnick, with thanks to computer consultant Sam Sheleby. Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor. The following is the listing of the TOP TEN EXHIBITORS as of the dates above.Denotes tie Placements alphabeticalPOINTS NAME..............................................................BISABISS BoS GR1 GR2 GR3 GR4 BBS495 CH.CASSIO'S FLASH IN THE PAN D..........3 1 - 19 9 7 2 73090 CH. ABSOLUTE'S MAGIC MOUNTAIN D..4 - - 1 5 - 2 42935 CH. SOUTHLAND'S MIGHTY IMPRESSIVE D.3 - - 3 3 3 - 12420 CH. MORENO'S PERRI WINKLE D.............. - - - 4 7 3 3 72130 CH. GLEN IRIS CASTLE ROCK D................- 1 - 3 5 3 3 S1870 CH. FINCH'S HE WALKS ON WATER D....- - - 6 - 3 7 7PRESSEREVANS...................... ..441360 CH. ROCK N TRADITION OF OAKRIDGE D....- - - 3 2 3 1 61205 CH. TLC BON JOVI D...................................- - - 4 - 2 1 3 CONLEYNEWYEAR.............. ..401045 CH. TREASURED DEANS HI HIERARCHY D................- - - 1 3 4 1 2 D. WATTS..................................... ..38885 CH. STARFIRE'S TOTALLY TEMPTING D......- 1 - - 3 2 1 1790 CH. OZARKS MIGHTY MITE D............. ...- - - 1 3 - 2 4V. LOVELY...................................31690 BELTANE GOLD DIGGER B.......................1 - - - - 2 - 4 S. HANSON.................................. 31680 CH. JAN-LE'S WILLIE MAKIT D............. ...- - - 1 2 1 1 3D. FINCH....................................... ..30645 CH. SOUTHLANDS IM SO IMPRESSIVE D....- - - 1 2 - 1 7550 CH. EXTANE VANILLA FUDGE SUNDAY D..................- 1 - - - 3 1 5 JONESLOVELY...........................29510 JIMLINS THE IMAGE OF FRIDAY D.......1 - - - - - - 1 J. R. BLANK............................ ..24465 CH. CHRISCENDO CLASSICA B................- - 1 1 - - - 4D. KIEFFER.................................. ..22460 CH. GLEN IRIS LUCKDRAGON D.......... ...- 1 - - 1 - - 6430 CH. GREAT ELMS LITTLE DEMETRIUS D.....- - - 1 1 - - 3 C. CREED...................................... ..21400 CH. TIM SUES HARBOR LIGHTS D...... ...- 1 - - - 2 - - TIE placements alphabetical^Denotes tie score. Placements alphabetical.The Pom Reader October 199372404Neals PomeraniansLouise Sprouse Hunter Street, Greenwood, SC 29646 803 229-6054ewf______________^ tSameraniam'Show Pet Puppies Stud Service Nina M. BerryP.O. Box 907 318-582-6690203 Larry Street Iowa, LA 70647POMERANIANSTHOM ADAMS CRAIG BAKER 11165 OLD SQUAW AVENUE, BROOKSVILLE, FL 34614 904 597-3213Quality Puppies Occasionally Tf f -4 POMPOUS POMSI I ' Studs in residence CH. Circle M. Comes a Hossman JM 11 CH. JDs Midnight OilI [Ur CH. JDs Truly A Gemfm CH. Goldcrests Pacific DreamerPedigrees and Stud Fees on Request.JANET HOVEY5207 W. Avenue M-8, Quartz Hill, CA 93536. Tel 805 722-3307.FINCHS POMERANIANSDiane L. Finch Rural Route 1515 769-2444 Kelley, IA 50134 Ch. Finchs He Walks On Water pic. Ch. Finchs Wee Heart Andy Gibb Ch. Apolloelte W3d Fire Ch. Tim Sues Moon Rocket Ch. Pomirish Robins Top ShelfGreat Elms, M'diamor, Scotia lines Whitered and WhiteBlack parti puppies.MNM'S POMERANIANS"Portraits of Perfection"Available to loving companion homeWhelped 10-8-92 3 14, pretty black male Whelped 12-23-92 2 12 , orange female - no shippingMary and Gene WellsRT 2 BOX 238, PATTONSBURG, MO 64670 816 367-2254TiftAFFORDABLE QUALITY Pets from 200 ShowBreed stock from 300 Health guaranteed, major medical ins.EMCEE, MILLAMOR. BEV-NOR TOMANOLL LinesLisa Byrd, 19 Rock Creek Est. Crowley, TX 76036 0-700-PARADER or 817 297-4603jflaniutsiPomeraniansIII Champion Pointed - Broods Puppies will be sold at very reasonable prices.SHANNON EIB or "SHU SHU"100 T lacrriioo. Dr. Aiken, S.C. 29803 803 642-7884LovelyVICTORIA LOVELYBLAKE JONES12022 30th St E., Puyallup, WA 98372Pomsija PomeraniansSpecialising in Slack Tan Our Bloodlines areGreat Tims - Scotia - Bev-Nor - SunRayTngrida Gasaway206 843-154334409 Kinsman Road East Roy, WA 98580D C TOYS PEDIGREES J\ jT 904-247-5384 or 0-700-RGS-PEDSV- Fax 904-270-1731Pedigrees Researched 3-gen 8 4-gen 10 5-gen 15 6- gen 25 7-gen 40.Poms Min Pins Available Occasionallyuxnax PomsPuppies, when available, by Emcee's Cloudbuster O'Manor Hill, son of Ch. Chriscendo Cloudbuster "Gem", daughter of Ch. Chriscendo Calvin Klein "Cassie", daughter of Ch. Chriscendo Cloudbuster "MeeMee", grandaughter of Silver Meadows Skip O'Scooter HELEN CONRAD1677 Manor Road, Englewood, FL 34223 813 475-1724Shadm^fJ-KmnebSpecializing in Exotic Poms Blue, Lavendar, Chocolate, Black, and blue white, chocolate white, black white Parti-ColorsRoute 2 Box 83, Halfway, MO 65663 417 467-2413Uldine Nimmo, Owner BreederJUlamt 0Mary Allan918 485-3010POMERANIANSRoute 3 Box 531 A, Wagoner, OK 74467pijtlhrmxkg 3[attqj TfimxmmnzSusann Stackhouse Philbrook Behind such well-known bloodlines as Box 1070 Rancocas Road .. .Mount Holly, NJ 08060609 267-4644 Cedar wood Creiders Show, breeding and pet -N Great Hms Most colors including partis Pombreden Sun-Ray EDAR POMERANIANSf \ 4412 SW 7th Ave., Cape Coral, FL 33914Jm \ I \ 813 549-7543 BreedersExhibitors1 EADIE S. SHARPDARWIN SHARP III16Hy Pom Palby Pam WestPOM READERS...The following story is absolutely delightful. Barbara Montgomery has a writing ability that carries the reader through the story with her. However, Ive just received some sad news...little 6 month old SaraLee has a congenital heart defect will not be with Barbara much longer. Im sure all the Pom Readers join me in expressing sympathy to you, Barbara.Tk Sara Lee Sorority Meets ml Defeats Mottr .I - v Udms\ 4Clockwise from left Sara Lee, Teddie, Chantilly MelissaThe trouble really began when SaraLee became lonesome. SaraLee, you will recall, is our imaginary steakh'ouse Pom from McKinney, Texas. Accustomed to the comradeship of her two sisters, and far too tiny to tussle with anyone else, she had gradually succumbed to a mute loneliness as she wandered morosely from room to room, searching for a playmate. Our octagenarian Pekingese have always disdained foolish amusement, the Tibetan Spaniel is intent on preserving her Oriental aura of regal aloofness, and our two Shelties tower in true Trojan Horse splendor far, far above the stratosphere of SaraLees domain.Thus, busy negotiations began to alleviate our solitary Poms plight, as we contacted various breeders throughout the country. Finally, after an eternity of exchanging letters, photos and airline schedules, three Poms were selected to form the SaraLee sorority - two Partis from Oklahoma and a stunning girl from Silver Springs, New York. We arranged to have all the girls arrive in Dallas-Fort Worth at varying times on the same afternoon, the final arrival being at 500 p.m.. Nothing could be easier, rightWrong. To the uninitiated, 500 p.m. may seem an innocent enough hour - certainly nothing to induce panic or hysteria. But to a Texan, DFW at 500 p.m. means bumper-to- bumper, one-inch-an-hour movement, clogged exits vomiting smoking, bilious vehicles as far as the eye can see, and, in the broiling sun of The Pom Reader October 1993late July, overheated engines sputtering to a stubborn halt from progressing for hours at a vapor-locking crawl.To negotiate oneself successfully in such a situation because one has to work in the area requires true grit, but to have five oclock DFW traffic with the intention of arriving at the largest airport in the world, especially WHEN YOU DONT REALLY HAVE TO DO SO is more than foolhardy. More than reckless, careless, or insane, even. To accomplish or even attempt such a feat requires that a person suffer from a mental derangement known to their families as Pomeranian Pal Paranoia. Being an acute and chronic sufferer of this malady, I said my prayers, breezedblithely through the traffic and into the airline terminals to collect my new children, presented them to captive bystanders for a sufficient quota of oohs and aahs, and began the return journey home to Waco.The three new girls Melissa, Teddie and Chantilly meanwhile busily inspected their quarters in the back of the old Honda, where cuddler beds, water, toys and treats had been lovingly prepared.Their ex-cathedra of approval was pronounced by snuggling into beds with yawns and sighs of contentment as they drifted peacefully into a serene slumber.The girls steady chorus of fluctuating snores remained uninterrupted as we approached Hillsboro and began reducing speed in search of a gas station offering full service.And here I must reluctantly confess membership to that antiquated society of women who cannot use gasoline pumps without drowning themselves in the fuel. Once, just once, I attempted this mysterious ritual, onlu to be gas-drenched minutes before the old gentleman at the neighboring pump tossed a burning cigar onto the pavement. Quaking in terriof the cuddler beds.Dont worry, girls I assured them cheerily. Mama has to stop for gas here. Youre all just fine. Good girlsWearily we continued on, finding only red dust and depression-era houses devoid of all life signs.Where in the sam hill is the town I muttered sotto voce, turning down yet another sleepy, red-dusted street, only to deadend into the school. I know it has got to be here somewhere. Willie Nelson grew up here, so the town must exist At this point the feed mill loomed into view again, and I realized we were going nowhere but in aimless circles. To further illustrate this profound truth, Melissa began to salivate excessively in preparation for a full-scale motion-sickness attack.The gauge was below empty, the girls were wimpering piteously, and I was beyond desperate when at last we pulled into the protective shadow of an ancient country store, which had seemed to appear suddenly in the cloud of red dust we had stirred up. I hastily scooped the three Poms into my arms and trudged across the creaking sidewalk into the old building. Coming from the glaring sunshine, my eyes refused to adjust to the dim interior of the store, and, when at last they did, my mind immediately rejected the image received.For here 20th Century technology had been forever suspended in favor of an era when womens chiffon skirts demurely trailed the floor, a surfeit of candy could be purchased for five cents, and everyone delighted in the escapes of Teddy Roosevelt from his mundane duties in the Oval Office. For here, barrels and shelves and candy jars with cherry licorice sticks greeted my astonished gaze, while a tall young man in a crisply starched white shirt with sleeve gaiters turned slowly in my direction.Can I help you, Missy he inquired amiably, wiping his hands on a cream- colored butchers apron and looking for all the world exactly like Charles Lindberg.Well....... I stammered hesitantly,unable to collect my scattered thoughts. Yes. Is there a full-service gas station around here anywhereNope. he replied, leaving his post at the counter and ambling toward the door. Just that one pump over there by the oldrailroad depot. But if you go on to..............The Pom Reader October 199318Oh, dear I exclaimed in distress, I cant go on to anywhere My tank is already below empty My tank, the cars tank and the Poms tanks as well, I could have added.What dya think, Mabel my Lindberg inquired of an elderly woman emerging from the depths of the counter.Wahl, Bob, he works that pump, Ed, she declared firmly, placing her freckled hands squarely on her ample hips. An heez sick, yano. Sleeps ever afternoon cuzn the heat. Kint sturb him fer nuthin.Well, Mabel, just what do you suggest she do, then Lindy demanded testifyWahl,dunno fer shure, Mabel returned, shrugging her plump shoulders petulantly. Gess shell hafta wait fer heem ta wake up.When does he usually do that I inquired with none-too-sanguine hopes.Wahl, Ma Kettle drawled, clearly enjoying herself, dee-pins. Sometimes bout nine in the even. Other times hits pert neer midnight.Mabel, young Lindberg stated authoritatively, this lady cannot wait for Bob to wake up. Shes got those poor little mousedogs to tend to, and its over 102 out there. You want the whole kit and caboodle of em for houseguests, maybe Cause they have to spend the night somewhere.Wahl, I reckon hits time for me to git upstahrs an check on Bob, Mabel decided. Seems as hits bout his medsin time, anyways.As Ma Kettle manuevered her ponderous girth up the stairs in indignant rebellion, I returned to the evenings heat and proceeded to wag the three girls up and down the shuddering length of creaking sidewalk while we waited for Bob. A soft twilight breeze gently caressed the Poms alertly erect ears, while blowing a solitary tumbleweed into our path. Obviously city girls, the three became much alarmed upon seeing the tortuous brambled monster and, after scrambling free from my grasp, they proceeded to race down the full length of sidewalk before diving head-first into the protective depths of the car.Those yers a lanky, leather-faced man coming from the store questioned pleasantly.Yes. Are you BobThe one and only, he nodded inaffirmation. Bring yer car on over and well fill er up.Ten minutes later, with a full tank of gas and three hot, sleepy girls, we were ready to find the interstate and head home. As I turned to check on the Poms one last time before fastening my seatbelt, I caught a glimpse of Mabel, Bob and Lindy standing in front of the store, waving their hands wildly in a true Texas farewell. As I returned the gesture and started off into the dusky twilight, their voices followed us down the rapidly-darkening street.Bye Be careful Teck good keer of them leetle mousedogs Come back and see usAn hour later and utterly exhausted, we stumbled into the kitchen amid the mass hysteria of nine overjoyed little dogs and one very anxious sibling.Where have you been my sister inquired in furious exasperation. You should have been home hours ago Ive been so worriedNow, why would you worry about me I returned, sighing wearily. You know I NEVER have any adventures.Besides, Lindy, Mabel and Bob took good care of me. At this she closed her eyes in utter defeat and silently implored the Almighty for patience in dealing with her errant sibling.Dont even tell me, she breathed at last, her tone faintly tinged with surrender. Youve been gone six hours, talk of complete strangers caring for you and look like you got caught in a wind tunnel at the airport. This must be another story for the Pom ReaderI smiled benignly in assent while gathering the new girls into my embrace. Such good girls, I murmured in sotto voce satisfaction. Youll never tell about our Abbott adventureSpecial thanks to Barbara Montgomery for this great story Readers are encourage to share their adventures. Write toMY POM PALco PAM WEST3521 Buckner-Trsney Road Grain Valiev Mo^ fMarcieneeds a major to finish and is back in the ring after getting a new coat. Our coats are well worth waiting for Congratulations to Jean Goodson on her win with Golden Aires Roselani, a half sister to Marcie, at our hometown show in Charleston, S.C. Thanks to judge Mr. Merrill Cohen for this win.MILLAMOR'S MISS GOLDEN AIRE Ch. Tim Sue's Knight Light x Golden Aires Ramblin' RosatoBreedersOwnersGOLDEN AIRES POMS SHARON MASNICK ELEANOR MILLER 803 928-3511Handler SHARON MASNICK"Appy" Acres Pomsoffers for saleMow oiEfedn fox sal m time2 White Females - 9193 1 ChocolateWhite Parti Female - 82993 1 Chocolate Male - 82993 1 Orange Male - 11 92beginning to work - sired by Bi-Mar Sho-Gun 1 Creme Male - 1192beginning to work - sired by Bi-Mar Sho-Gun2 Females, 1 Male, born 6-17-93, by LLL High Lights Strut N Stuff x Appy's Stmttin Drucilla.Heavy coated, orange. 450.00. Bloodlines of Ch. Tim Sue's High Lights and Ch. Stolanne Thunderbolt ThorContact VICKI WILLIS, R.R.1, Box 50 Petersburg, IN 47567812 354-9861For Further Information Call417 467-2413The Pom Reader October 199319Living Water Lomeranians"Champion Bred Exotics"White, Black, Blue, Chocolate Lavendar.Partis in RedWhite, BlueWhite, ChocolateWhite LavendarWhiteSheila Colclasure 8182 White Road Phelan, CA 92371 619 949-5426Piam S3Quality Poms In Asia Ch. Bi-Mar Sunny's Obsession Ch. Bavanew's StarfighterCh. Pom Grove's Fireglow of Bi-Mar Ch. Timsue's Distant Bell Ch. Janshar's Hillbilly HeavenPuppies OccasionallyDennis Mario Litonjua15 San Juan St. Kapitolyo Pasig, Metro-Manila Philippines 1600 632 632-7025 9-11am EST FAX 632 631-6658 Ch. Bavanew's StarfighterBEV-IMOR POMSCh. Bev-Nor's Special Edition, our newest Group I and specialty Winner - son of Ch. Bev-Nor's Statesman, top-producng dog APC 1992Stud Fee 250.00. Ch. Bev-Nor's Something Special, Nicky is the last male sired y Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge, Puppies out of him....3 Girls - Dam Ch. Bev- Nor's N Southland's Who Me. Bev Bill Norris, 7747 Meadow Rd, Pasadena, MD 21122. 410 255-1343.MNMS POMERANIANS"Portraits of Perfection"Mary and Gene WellsRT 2 BOX 238, PATTONSBURG, MO 64670 816 367-22540ay- 0 0b7iemiauuyThe Perfect Pets - Bred For QUALITY BEAUTY TEMPERAMENT AKC Champion Stud Service Puppies DORATHY RAY BARNES 34861 Beacon, Livonia, MI 48150 Phone 313 522-2772za-d\fa Lpom^A ^STANDARD OF EXCELLENCERhea Na, Rev-V , Great Elms, Glen Iris, Janesa, Tim Sue - bred litters Info package on request. Barb Steve Nagy, 713 .. j ns r ,, A 22655. 703-869-3749.PETITE POMSJane Davis PO Box 693Huntingdon, TN 38344 901 986-9864AKC Champion Pom Puppies For Sale BlackRed - 1 Male - 3 Females 250.00 and upJHattflr Htll pomsFor Sale 3 Males by Emmcee's Cloudbuster O' Manor Hill son ofChriscendo CloudbusterLitter expected in August by Ch. Chriscendo Cloudbuster Helen Conrad 1677 Manor Rd Englewood, FL 34223 813 475-17241For aUnique PomdVMC WVVU^V5Show Pet Stud Service Orange, Black Tan, White SUN RAY SUN-DOTS NABOBSCande FreemanP.O. Box 9001 Torrance, CA 90508 Tel 310 549-2707a MASON'S CLOUD DANCER 12 brother to BIS CH. Phantom of the Opera SHOW QUALITY POMS TOP BLOODLINES PUPS ADULTSBetty Jo Mason590 E. Orance Avenue Perris, CA 92571 909 657-8166The Pom Reader October 199320The tires on the wet pavement seemed to hiss, check serra. One eye opened and through the fog in my brain, the time registered midnight. Just a few minutes ago the news had gone off and so had I. Serra started to yodel and dig furiously. My tired body wanted those warm soft covers not a premature whelping.I had checked her temperature earlier that evening and her temp was 101.1. That is why I had watched the late news, there would not be pups tonight. The persistent yodeling told me differently. I struggled to my feet, put on my robe and flopped down on the milking stool placed next to the pen.I put my hand on Serras head and she gratefully licked my hand. It was okay, Mother was there. I checked her and there were two water sacks showing. It concerned me, but they were not green, just a normal color. I stroked her as she hadpups nurse. The first night I got up every hour except when my husband got up, because I slept two hours and missed those two feedings. I held the pups onto her breasts, first giving them the fading-puppy drops to make them alert and after the feeding, more puppy drops so that they could hold on until I started the process all over again.The first pup to die was the strongest, most vigorous of the three. A bitch.Faithfully, I would get up every two hours since I had lost all motor coordination and had to get more rest orBy Barbara J. La Croixcontractions, alternately checking her progress and she placed herself under my hand to be petted.The first tiny pup was a bitch bom at 2a.m.. The next one came at 330, a dog. Serra always had four pups, so I waited, and at 5a.m. came the stillborn that I had come to expect. She had always been hot, and panted all the time. She would dig in the nest and pups would go flying everywhere. She now sported a spiffy Mohawk. Legs and sides were shorn to make her more comfortable and it seemed to work. Just in case, I placed her into another pen and placed the pups on a heating pad. She was not pleased with her mother now. At 7a.m. the last bitch was bom. I put everyone back together and Serra settled down to nurse.I gave everyone fading-puppy drops and, since the pups were not quite two ounces, I held them to mother to nurse. I had always lost the pups before and I had talked to breeders who suggested that she be put on penicillin and from her first litter being bom on the 56th day she now went 68 days. I had given them pediatric stat, honey mixed with water, nutrical and water, esbilac, but up to now nothing had saved the pups.Serna was a good mother, letting theThe Pom Reader October 1993injure myself in a fall. I was upset that my failure to get up every hour had made the loss happen. I started to get up every hour again.The other bitch was the more vigorous and after a good 12 hour of nursing on a very patient Serra, I placed her on her moms tummy since Serra was on her back to ease my burden. I had placed box and all on the foot of my bed and kicked the milking stool there so I could have a nice working height. The pup voided on mother and started to slide off. I grabbed it and suddenly all four feet met in the front of the pup and she had rigor. I sat there, mouth open, wondering what had happened. I gave it mouth to mouth and cardiac massage and she revived. She nursed more after puppy drops and I went back to bed. The next morning she was dead and her brother not much more alive. I revived him with the puppy drops but he did not want to nurse at all. I put him under Serra and went to take a shower. When I came back into the bedroom ther was Serra looking up at me and the pup was lying motionless across her paws. She looked at the pup and back up at me. There was agony in those big brown eyes she had been a good girl and donewhat was asked of her and still she lost her pups.The breeder that I had purchased Serra from had one litter at 56 days that did not survive. She had told me this before I purchased her, so I had been warned. This was the third time we were not able to save the pups. After talking to vets, the consensus was toxic milk syndrome. It was suggested that after letting the pups nurse 24 hours, I hand-raise them. With such tiny pups, no matter how genetically wonderful they might be, that is a tall order. Even with Serra helping, it was hard. Another suggestion was that if I had another bitch whelping at the same time, I could get the other mother to adopt them. This is a better alternative for me if not the other bitch. Is this problem genetic I have heard other breeders say not to keep a pup from a problem mother. This certainly would qualify as a problem.At this time I dont feel that I should breed her again and knock ourselves out for a probably negative outcome. My husband, bless him, feels that way also. I will not spay her and I will see what else I can find out about this problem and see what other breeders suggest. I have six months before the decision has to be made.When I sell a pup, frequently the buyers state that they want to raise just one litter. I smile inside and wish them well, knowing full well how difficult that can be. I tell them that I am willing to help any way that I can and feel free to call me. I am grateful for the help I have gotten along the way from breeders who have stopped everything they were doing when I had problems whelping a litter. There is always the possibility that they may be the proud owners of a pup that might make it to' min'BarJGvafenhovstsSpecializing in gorgeous Blacks, Black Tans ChocolatesAt Grafenhorsts, we are striving for superb temperament, superior conformation, and exquisitely beautiful coats of the proper texture.Pictured left, a typical Grafenhorst Pom.Watch for our Poms in the show ringBreederHORST GRAF12000 NW 2nd Street, Plantation, FL 33325 305 475-2465Puppies Occasionally Available to Responsible, Loving Homes9faALDENS KENNELHome of Champion Parti GirlsCh. Aldens Parti Chocolate Chip pic. Ch. Aldens Midget Parti Dot-To-Dot A1 Jan Domrase 815 728-0559 5810 Barnard Mill Road, Ringwood, IL 60072soxxtfdanciPOMERANIANSCHARLOTTE CREED 6618 LOST RIDGE PINEVILLE, LA 71360 PHONE 318-466-34563Ch. Southland's Toast To Bev-Nor POASTY4LMAJIC TICKIEBreederOwner JNETTE ROGERS-RISTER " ^9, CORPUS CHRISTI, TX 78403-0050 -n 992-8233 after 7 p.m.OR SOUNDNESS QUALITYBreeders of fine Poms since 1957 1440 Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis, NC 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, OwnerCh. Apples Traveling Rambler x Libby of LenettePUPPIES ARE GENERALLY AVAILABLE AT REASONABLE PRICES. PETS FROM 250.00 SHOW BREED STOCK FROM 500.00 FREE PRICE LIST AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST.WE SPECIALIZE IN THE GREAT ELMS BLOODLINE. WE DO HAVE SOME CHESAI AND ARISTIC-BONNER POMS.Satisfactions is guaranteed at LENETTE.Return your Pom within 3 days for a refund if not satisfied.BEST WISHES TO MORRIS BETTY CARSON FOR CONTINUED SUCCESS WITH THE EMCEE POMSChesaiPOMERANIANSmmRobert Joan Reilly 26903 Highway 281 North San Antonio, Texas 78260512 980-266722OCTOBER 1993lfCould it be Do I hear what I think I hearSubmit your cute photo for our popular PLAYMATES Department, Any clear photo will do, black white, color, Polaroid or regular film. Mail toPR PLAYMATES 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, EL 33809-1604Don't forget our PLAYMATE OF THE YEAR CONTEST... First Place100Runner-Up50Subscribers will vote inDecember and the winners will be announced in the February- March issue. Send your PLAYMATES todayJYes Toenail clippers HIDE HIDEPenny and Gidget,courtesy Debby Saunders, Rosamond, CaliforniaThe Pom Reader October 1993Emcees PomeraniansPuppies Available FromCh. Emcees Im Hy Chips i 1 W Ch. Emcees A Chip of DiamondEr. Ch. Emcees Golden Topo de OroCh. Emcees Golden Sea Raider Emcees Golden BoyInquiries invitedPedigrees Stud Fees on RequestMorri Betty Carson9826 Waltham RoadCH. EMCEES Richmond, VA 23233SOLID GOLD DIAMOND I804 741-3024-fMILLAMOR-f KEN ELEANOR MILLER 3545 NC HWY 152 E fjm SALISBURY, 1STC 281461 704-857-1197MIA Poms .Home of Ch. Bev-Nor Southland Sinsation and his ladies of distinction, daughters of Ch.Thelduns Almond Fudge, Ch. Bev-Nor v^''Statesman and other quality lines. 58kRamona J. Smith, HCR4Box26B, Bowman,ND 58623. Tel 701-574-3158.CTwiN 0HK5 PDM5 ftBILL and CAROL CATES948 WYNDSOR DRIVE HIXSON, TENNESSEE 37343615-842-8184\jr \pomsJOHN SHARON MASNICK HCR 65 BOX 745803 928-3511 HUGER, SC 29450sT T H'ot P J\ H Simon V \ l' lei Ch. BenRay's GoldenPOMERAJSriAIsfS Josh 'N EnvY2007 Vestry Drive Charleston, SC 39414 EenEay s She Is A803 571-6165 Bella' s. orriExaniani. Inquiries Invited Rte.I Box 190 Claremore, OK 74017918 341-6921JfMarX_J f L. POMERANIANSMARY A. ROSENBAUM38711 200 AVENUE SE AUBURN, WA 98002206-833-2160D0VER-H0LIH0USE POMSChampion Stud ServiceParti, Chocolate, Black Tan and BlackStud SerivcePuppies OccasionallyKathryn Hartz, Patricia Foley Dan Ninatoski319 Ardmore Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08629 609-695-1642^\ M 803-831-8086jtaAerie'' POMERANIANS DOT MARTIN5354 BLUEBIRD LANE YORK, SC 29745504-384-74663anmv Sbmss^ P.O. Box 2775Jerrie Freia Morgan City, LA 70381SUZANNE BERNEY^11 j H ^815 Wards Chapel Road^ ^ -LyJ-ii. Owings Mills, MD 21117POMERANIANS 41.655.8330jSsceNbOPOMS^Lois Bemie Ciliberto9605 Land OLakes Boulevard, Land OLakes, FL 34639 813-996-5499DACAR'S POMERANIANSQuality PuppiesEmCee'sSilva LadeTomanoH'sGreat ElmsDavid Yvonne Jachalke7613 - 158th St. Ct. EPuy^'up, Washington 98373 206 536-2891Jtmt JVcX0 KennelsR.R.4. Cedar T-alls, IA 50613 319-9 89-219924OCTOBER 1993Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...Owner Janet Sankey of Tyrone, Pennsylvania, should have never let Rusty see the movie JAWSSubmit your cute photo for our popular PLAYMATES Department. Any clear photo will do, black white, color, Polaroid or regular film. Mail toPR PLAYMATES 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809-1604Don't forget our PLAYMATE OF THE YEAR CONTEST... First Place100Runner-Up50Subscribers will vote inDecember and the winners will be announced in the Eebruary- March issue. Send your PLAYMATES todaySure, hes smiling now. but wait till he finds out I ate his dessertTribble and friend Sean, courtesy parents Paul Jane Rowan, Shelton, Washington'IThe Pom Reader October 199325Sharon Masnick is a special friend of mine, and although she contributes to the Reader and is my friend, it was decided that her success in the short period she has been in the Pom fancy made her deserving of a breeder visit. So many times we hear from newcomers to the sport of dogs that are discouraged because they feel it will take them many years before then- dues are paid and they are recognized. I believe Sharons relatively quick success story will alleviate those fears and prove it can be done with proper dedication and direction.Sharon began in 1985 and to date has 14 champions to her show credit. She is a member of the American Pomeranian Club serving as a current board member and a member of the Charleston Kennel Club, Greater Baltimore Pomeranian Club and Central Carolina Pomeranian Club. She has served as vice-president, secretary and match chairperson in some of these organizations. For the year 1991 after only six years of breedingshowing Sharon was awarded the Top Winning Dog, Distinguished Exhibitor, Distinguished Breeder and Distinguished Service awards from the Central Carolina Pom Club.That was her most memorable moment and brought tears which will never dim. Having always sworn that any accomplishments would result from small numbers in the breeding program usually 20 in residence, including pups these awards will always be treasured.Sharon is currently studying for a future judging career, and as many of her admirers told me as I worked on this visit, Sharons enormous energy, dedication to honesty and her usual thorough competency, we know that venture will be successful.Lois CilibertoKNOCK, KNOCKWhos There THE POM READER VISITS'Men ^kires iQemsSharon John MasnickGrowing up on a dairy and stock farm in Northeast Missouri, my exposure to animals began at an early age. I always had a pet whether it be a lamb, kitten, duck, or dog. After graduation I dated a man who trained coon dogs and also showed Hound breeds.We attended dog shows and I started watching the Poms and declared that someday I would have a top winning dog and that I would breed them as a hobby. Right away my friend gave me a windbreaker with a Pom on the back with the name Golden Airesmv- s i writtenacross the top. He gave me my kennel name and I still have the jacket.At that time, I owned only a pet Pom named Pepper that a lady from Southern Missouri sold me because he was neutered. He had a lovely full coat and weighed only three and a half pounds. Later I married, but I still kept my dream in the back of my mind. Moving around in the military and having a small child plus a career kept me busy. I had other hobbies such as jogging, crafts and bowling.I still kept a Pom as a pet and grew more and more attached to the breed.After my husband retired from the military and my son was a teenager, my dream began to surface. I joined the Charleston Kennel Club where I met Pat Brooks, a Pom lover who knew many Pom people. She suggested to me that I subscribe to the Pom publications available.One day when I was buying groceries, the bag boy asked me what kind of dog I owned as I had dog food in the bag. I told him that I had a pet Pom, but that I wanted a show dog. I told him the local dogs were very large and not show quality. He said, My parThePom Reader October 1993Sharons love of animals was evident early on - here she is on the farm in Missouri, with an early pet26t.OUE-WMents go to a vet in Beaufort, South Carolina and he has a Pom client with show Poms. A call to the vet in Beaufort led me to Dr. Hal Codings, who referred me to Cassandra R. Evans as he had gotten his Poms from her.I called Cassandra and arranged to visit her. I bought two Poms from her. The next few years, while she still lived in Aiken, I visited her many times and I learned alot from her about medication, training, whelping and keeping puppies alive.Her first homebred champion was the sire of my first homebred champion,Ch. Golden Aires Priceless Gem. Our most recent accomplishment together was being cobreeders of American and Canadian Ch. Golden Aires Kip A Wee Heart.I was now taking the Pom Review and I noticed Ch, Emcees Solid Gold Diamonds photo and I would, almost daily, say to John, Do you ever think we can own a dog this lovelySoon I noticed an ad with a show dog for sale with nine points and his sire was Emcees Solid Gold Diamond. From Janice Young, I was able to purchase Twin Pines Tico Tico and a brood bitch. Thank goodness for Janice trusting aThe sign at the entrance to the property makes it easy for visitors to findnovice. With the help of PatBrooks, I hired an agent to show and finish Tico Tico. He was my first show dog and he became the foundation of my breeding program.The purchase of Tico Tico led me to Dr. Morris Carson who sold me two broods, and from Mrs. James Dupre I also bought a brood bitch. I now had four brood bitches from excellent lines that-ih' blended with Tico Tico. I shall always be grateful to these people for helping and trusting a beginner. Perhaps that is why today I always take time for the beginner and try to help them. I remember being there - and not so long agoI also called and visited Desaree Sandifer of Gastonia, NC. In a short time, we became very close friends. I never bought a dog from her, but we did somebreedings together and I showed two of her dogs for her. Desaree introduced me to Ruth Beam and I was able to use Ruths stud dogs because Desaree would take the bitches over there for me -1 worked and could not get time off to travel the four hours. Desaree did whelp some litters for me and when Hurricane Hugo was about to hit, I took the Poms and stayed with Desaree for a week. She has been a wonderful friend to me and our only regrets were that we did not meet sooner.I did a breeding to Ch. Chriscendo Western Express and four females were whelped. Later I listed one for sale in the Pom Reader. My ad was answered by Bemie and Lois Ciliberto and that call resulted in a wonderful friendship that I shall always treasure. We have spent some wonderful times together during my visits to them and on trips to Florida for shows. On one trip to Florida they introduced me to Eleanor Miller. Eleanor at the time was showing Calvin Klein and I became her shadow for the weekend. I was in love with the dog I soon decided that I wanted to bring a new line into my breeding program and I wanted to keep the same look and type. I decided I wanted the Millamor line. Eleanor had no pups available as they were moving and not breeding. I contacted Mrs. Wilma Jean Brown and she referred me to Nina Epps. From Nina Epps, I was fortunate enough to purchase some brood bitches and one bitch,Marketta, had been bred to Ch. Millamors Mark Tradition. Marketta whelped three males for me and one of those males was my precious Wally Ch. Golden Aires Moonwalker. He has become my foundation male and is being bred to all the Tico Tico daughters and the Tradition daughter that I have.Wally became a multiple group winner but his show career was cut short by an accident. This story was printed in the Pom Reader in December of 1992. His accident has been the w - thing tin. happened to me since edThe Pom Reader October 1993TVS'-27The two doors at the side of the house are the entrance to the puppy rooms off the kitchen.All pups are raised in the house. This is the area in which Sharon grooms asthere is a laundry sink and grooming area in the first room, the two pens are separated by a short fence that one can step over. The grave pen is open on one end and sheltered at the other with a carport-type covering for shade the pen is 16x32. The travel trailer is for dog shows, of courseMy husband and best friend John with a lap full of Poms. Without his help and support none of this would have been possible. To the left is the building in which senior puppies are kept the area is shaded by covering and divided by x\...L-.'-ft. -pens when necessary. The comer building to the right is the adult kennel.Al Miniero, our handler, and his favorite Pom, Electra. She is now his as she chose him. One evening on the Florida Circuit she was sitting at his feet and growled at me when cam to move her. Als advice, support, experience and friendship has meant a great deal to John and me. He helped me through a very difficult time after Wallys accident. The Pom Reader October 1993Poms. However, I have had three broken legs while my Poms have been in the care of someone else. I learned that one must take the good with the bad because sometimes we are not in control. To be involved in this sport, one must be ready to make a real commitment and be truly dedicated. It is really hard to struggle to keep a small puppy alive only to lose the battle after hours and days of trying so hard to save the puppy.Along with all the wonderful people youlr_TheMasnicksbeach house sold before theycould build in the country the mobile home that was their temporary residence was adapted for the dogs upon completion of the house. It had everything I needed for a kennel building, Sharon says. My husband laughs and says the phone is off limit to the dogsmeet, you willalso meet those who own dogs for the wrong reasons. Involvement with these people can cause you pain, but you must focus on your own goals. My friend, Lois, always laughs when I say Til just float my boat and stay remoteEarly on I learned a valuable lesson about Pom puppies and their development that has affected my placement of Poms. Back in 1986 I had a male Pom that at ten weeks ofThe welcome mat is always out at the home of the golden Aires Pomsage I felt was show quality. I remember sending his picture to Dr. Carson and sharing my excitement. Well, this wonderful puppy fell apart and I was crushed. The 4-6 months told the story. I learned that Poms can lengthen in leg and body. I began at that point to keep good records of weight and took pictures. I watched my litters grow up and develop. I learned from what I bred. I operated by the rule if it was good we would repeat the breeding and if it was not what I expected, we did not do it again. To this day, I do not like to promise a show prospect unless a puppy is close to six months of age.I was attracted to this breed by the beauty, personality and coat. I have learned what we give to the Pom theygive back to us two----------------------- fold. I have found thePoms to be good therapy for me. Sometimes when my job is stressful and I come home they are happy to see me and make no demands except to be loved. I soon forget the day at work.Due to my work schedule, my social life has become what I do with the dogs. Most of my friends are dog people and my free time and vacation time is spent going to dog shows, matches and meetings. I owe the ability to do what i do to my husband and friend, John. He becomes the caretaker of the Poms when I am away.I feel fortunate at this time to have found an agent for my dogs that not only loves the Poms, but has been a great help to me. A1 Miniero handles our dogs plushe has become a friend and advisor. His experience and support has been appreciated by us both.I am not sure what the future brings, but I know for sure there will be a Pom in my life as they truly light up my life. Since 1985, we have had the joy of 16 champions and two specials. My success has been made possible by truly wonderful Pom people who have given of their time, shared their talents and have been willing to trust us with their Poms, believing that we would do the right thing with them.My thanks go to these people.One of the most important things I have learned in breeding dogs is that one never stops learning and there is always room for improvement. When I do a breeding, I look at the bitch and decide what I would like to change or improve and what I would like to retain. I try to choose a stud dog to accomplish this. I like to breed like ancestors as I feel it gives one some predictability in what the outcome will be. I feel it is important to outcross occasionally for a reason but that the offspring needs to be bred back into the line. An outcross the first time is usually successful if you are using well bred specimens. I feel a pedigree is an important tool in a breeding program. For me it serves as a roadmap to direct me to where I am headed.I would like to see Poms shownThe Pom Reader October 199329My son Gregg playing with puppies. This is a very important part of their socialization. While he was still at home he was a big help to' A ramp is con structedfor the dogs from the kennel building. The land is flat so the ramps - along with the gravel - help with building strong legs. Sides were constructed for safetymTut Pom Ruahkk. Ocrom-R 1993-^ 4 A\m30trimmed for neatness and not sculpted. I would also like judges to really judge the dogs and pay less attention to the handler. I realize my years of involvement are few compared to some, but my dedication is sincere. I feel we should strive to be more understanding and supportive of each other. I think we should direct our energies to breeding the best Pom ever.I hope to be remembered as a breeder who contributed to the betterment of this wonderful breed, was helpful to others and tried to show good sportsmanship and was fair in my dealings with others.In closing, I want to share this poem with you. The author is unknown.His blind implicit faith in youis matched by his great love...The kind that each of us should haveIn our Master up aboveWhen everything is said and doneI guess this isnt odd...For when you spell Dog backwardsYou will get the name of God.Thank you, Joe, Duane and Lois for the honor of a kennel visit.Sharon Maswnick GOLDEN AIRES POMSisTHE ENDCongrratulationsiSharon^ John IHasnicIcon your kennel visitIVIay you have continued success in your breeding program. Thank you for our Pom,Ch. Golden Aires ISdoongold ScampPat Tom Brooks 102 Jefferson Lane Lodson, SC 29456The Pom Reader October 199331-JXyGREAT ELMS KENNELS, Reg'd.Congratulations to Sharon Masnick for her success in the show ring with her beautiful Golden Aires Pomeranians.GREAT ELMS LITTLE TIGERCh. G.E. Master Mark x Chip-A-Ways Terrific LisaWinning 3 points at Roanoke under Judge Mr. R, Guevara shown By top handler, Maynard WoodRUTH L. BEAMPO Box 937 Pineville, North Carolina 28134 704 889-9233Congratulations to Sharon Masnickon her Kennel Visitfrom Yolanda and our son, Yolanda's Golden Aires DukeCh. Great Elms Top Brass O Yolanda x Yolanda's Twinkle of Image OwnersYOLANDA WEBSTER SHARON MASNICKWatch for him soon, with Mama Shawn. YOLANDA WEBSTER5126 Sumac Circle Fayetteville, NC 28304 919425-6968AAtThe Pom Reader October 1993CONGRATULATIONS SHARON...On your well-deserved Kennel Visit.Many thanks for giving us such a wonderful start in Poms.1lllc\---JTOP NOTCH POMSLUCY BAKER1819 Northfield Lane Ft. Mill, South Carolina 29715 803 548-0030COeaten Sent 'PometCMiangand owner Janet Powell wish to thank Sharon Masnick for her wonderful help and support...she is one of the true blessings of the breed.Golden Aires Bounty HunterOCTiNN W LUBJanet Powell Heaven Sent Pomeranians132 Clubhouse Drive, SW, 302, Leesburg, VA 22075 703-771-1750The Pom Reader October 1993FANTASY POMERANIASends warm wishes to Sharon Masnick and her Golden AiresPomsHere's to you, Sharon, wishing you many more years of success. The Grand Rewards speak for themselves. I have known and admired your dedication to the Poms, a very special quality to have, hard to define,along with your compassion and your knowledge you have shared with others.Sincere thanks and appreciation are extended.Here's one of many Fantasy Poms known as"DREAM"Puppies available occasionally. Stud service to approved bitches.LINDA ED SPADY10421 Hudson Avenue Hudson, Florida 34669 813 862-0476 mi ^Mir 0ibAm mi Miiiiies duecedd.y47A tribute to Sharon forCH. GOLDEN AIRES STORMIN' NORMANwho attained his championship tide in a short amount of time.IRENE BENNETT PO Box 95Dover, Massachusetts 02030The Pom Reader October 199334ANJO POMERANIANSSends CONGRATULATIONS to A Special Person....SHARON MASNICKon her very deserving Breeder's Forum Thanks, Sharon, for a great beginning, for your friendship, honesty and help. Most of all... thanks for Tica, our foundation bitch.Belated congratulations on her kennel visit to another special lady, Juanita FiddickCH. GOLDEN AIRES LI'L GOLD CADDYAnna Liselli Long Island, New York 516281-8246Ch. Emcee's A Chip of DiamondCh. Chips of Diamond Ch. Emcee's Chips of DiamondEmcee's Sparkling Hot Tamale Ch. Emcee's Terrific Wee ChipsCh. Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond Emcee's Golden Girl of Tammy Emcee's Tartan TamCH. EMCEE'S A CHIP OF DIAMONDCh. Model's Mr. Roberts Ch. Model's Gold MementoCh. Model's Little Julie Ch. Emcee's Sparkling Miss ModelCh. Majestic Sparkling Diamond Emcee's Sparkling Hot Tamale Emcee's Tartan TamCongratulations to Sharon Masnick on her kennel visit.Wishing her many more years of success as she continues her dedication to the Pomeranian breed.EMCEE'S POMERANIANSMORRIS BETTY CARSON9826 Waltham Drive Richmond, Virginia 23233 804 740-7977The Pom Reader October 199335CililRtTY POMSGOLDEN AIRES ROSELANI"Rosie"Pictured at 6 monthsCh. Golden Aires Moonwalker x Golden Aires Ramblin Rosato Best In Sweeps Specialty Match 4993 "Thank You" Delores Watts Best In Sweeps Specialty Match 81493 "Thank You" Rick NackmanBes of Opposite Sex in Regular Class Specialty Match 81493 "Thank You Chris BerryCelebrity Poms would like to congratulate Sharon John Masnick on their kennel visit I wish you the best, and many more successes in the future. I couldn't begin to express how grateful I am for all that you've done for me.CongratulationsJEAN GOODSONFlash...WB BOS over Female Specials at CharlotteIL.Kennel Club. Thanks Judge R. Bauer.3044 Sims RoadRock Hill, South Carolina 29730 803 324-9097Dupre ' s PomeraniansA. iNnsroTTJsroTTsro- Another 111 a m ir in VjfyP ffX.Finished at 8 Months with 4 Majors All indoor shows Bred-By Exhibitor Class PROVEN Look for little BuckarooA-Ct.. j-l a'V 5 XAThank you, judges fok recognizing QUALITYMrs. Charlotte P. PattersonMr. Kenneth E. Miller Dr. E. N. K. Patterson Mr. Edmund R. Sledzik Mr. Douglas H. WilsonCH. DUPRE S SPARLING GOLD BUCK Available now - 2 young brood btches, never bred. Also 1 male and 2 females puppies now being evaluated.Congratulations, Sharon Masnick, on your kennel\visitBreederOwnerExhibitorMRS. JAMES R. DUPRE1 SR.Route 2, Box 878-A Colfax, Louisiana 71417318 627-5180The Pom Reader October 199336^0rqmfulafi0rs...To Sharon John Masnick on theGolden Aires Breeder VisitShawn, I love you for all your friendly advice and help so freely given. Truthfully, anyone who acquires a Pom from you is a lucky person.Thank you for my exceptionally lovely babies Su- Su and Foxy. Having them to love is like walking on the moon...Qtz\d.0rIp^ir9M wamcpfjedf idAed fovaiSazu^ma ftvmnsiiasidMichaelanaelo MuzetteCh. Golden Aire's Moonwalker x Snowstar Almond Pan Dowdy Red Sister for sale to Obedience HomeChrysa Guggenheimer P.0. Box 675918, Marietta, Georgia 30067-0023 404 514-8096Congratulations, Sharon John Masnick and the Golden Aires Poms.Moonwalking is such great fun Mindy, Snickers, Tiffany, Dusty and Ricky just love it and are so proud of their Dad, Ch. Golden Aires Moonwalker. Thanks, Wally, for sharing yourgenes with usR_ose Schroeder fiosehills PomeraniansmmCongratulations to Sharon Masnick on this special occasion. Best wishes for the futureMARIAN DOSSINGER 3936 Hi Mount Road Kewaskum, Wisconsin 5 'Al-0414 334-483j-z , 54The Pom Reader October 1993371'ITRESSTIQUE POMSWould like to CongratulateSHARON MASNICKon her kennel visitSharon, thank you again for Billy, I love her and she gave me this beautiful little girl who's only waiting for that last Major, thanks to her handler who gives her alot of T.L. C.. WGolden Aires Billy Jean Tresstique Lil Orphan AnnieBONNIE HARRIS19 Wheat Path Road W. Mt. Sinai, New York 11766516 331-3004Congratulations to Sftaron 9lasnicf^ and the golden Aires iPoms...Heres wishing you continued successJean SchrollGolden Aim Star Gazer"Come on down"Star at 4 months oldCh. golden Aires Moonwalker x Ch.Golden Aires Here I AmThank you,Sharon and John Masnick of Golden Aires Pomeranians for the newest member of our family. Weappreciate all of the time and help you have given us over the years. You are the bestMary, Jim, Charlotte, Pat, Kate andSarah McAlileyThe Pom Reader October 199338CongratulationsSharonon YOURKennel VisitFromBenson RayBenRay Poms2007 Vestry Drive Charleston, S.C.29414 803 371-6163^fttcftgntpobMarie E, Carlough8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 516363-95249\\GOLDEN AIRES JJ FLASHCongratulations,SharonThank you so much for JJ, Mary and Pammie. They are all much lovedThe Pom Reader October 1993to"MUSIC""JAKE" says HI to his half-brother Wally and his half-sisters at Golden Aires.Nina EppsOAKRIDGE KENNELS RT. 5 Box 150 Nixa, Missouri 65714 STAR HAVENMillamor,Oakridge,Creider,Great Elms LinesChampion sired puppies available now.Litters due inNovember.Expected Reds,Oranges and Black Congratulations on your kennel visit, Sharon MasnickJANICE ' OUNG618 W. Springfield Rd. St. ClaY, MO 62rvMTans.39HAt-MwmmVAH HEHISmmCongratulations Sharon John and all those lovely Golden Aires Kids, from your friends Edd Bannister Tony Draine and...GOLDEN AIRES SPECIAL EDITION with breederhandler SHARON MASNICKThank you, SharonmmOwnerEDD BANNISTERDRABAHT2008 Highway Six Gaston, SC 9053 803 568-40i im iyr.6itThe Pom Reader October 1993iWe are proud to presentGOLDEN AIRES KNIGHTWALKERA Ch. Golden Aires Moonwalker son...v mWHMiEAW SjJJC ' if '4 i3Watch for Al Walker to Walk Right In and capture the Winners CircleGOLDEN AIRES POMSSharon Masniclc HCR 65 BOX 745\\ jP V ^ Huger, SC 29450 V 803-928-3511POM READERAgentAL MINIERO Ellenwood, Georgia 404-507-8667884s\gKVKRLY ^jfLI CakelaIurFL ^38C^lls Road 3809-1604, m\ \ Nfw^pIiblhvvi4onDc5 Not Delay ApDRii Corri-..tkeRi6ui-sr.dX . V .BULkHATEU.^.POSTAGEP E RM IT. ,3 95 LAKELAND, JFL