Tip: Separate multiple keywords using a semicolon (;) for best results. If using proper names, try to use proper casing (although even in the text, it sometimes varies).
The Pomeranian Review April 1990

5 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...Kansas City, Mo. 64151 816-741-1650Am. Can. Ch. De Artas Rock Musicf1 VPage 18 April 1990/Pom ReviewLenette 'PomeraniansaBEST OF BREED or VARIETYDANVILLE KENNEL CLUB wmcm euWJTOBTCh. Beaver of Lenette Ch. Gr...

The Pomeranian Review July 1990

42 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...2Yolanda'sCh Great Elms Irmstopper Image Ch Models Timstopper Echo Majectic April Love Ch Beaver of LenetteMaples Rowdy Boy Tinkerbell of LenetteLennis Dragon Lady Ch Apples Traveling Diamond Ch Cedarwoods I...

The Pomeranian Review October 1990

11 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...rr wte,% WJfc-vC;yali C>W'CONGRATULATIONS TO Dixieanne Berrnet on her new Ch. Lord Dragon Slayer of Lenette. Sired by Ch. Beaver of Lenette. Finishing with all 5 pt. majors.CONGRATULATIONS TO Joyce Urban and...

The Pomeranian Review March 1991

4 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...Lake Road Kannapolis, N. C. 28081 Phone: (704) 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, Owner<9*Great Elms Joey of Lenette x Great Elms Prissy of Lenette(One female is still available from this litter).Puppies are generall...

The Pomeranian Review May 1991

4 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...IZE IN THE GREAT ELMS BLOODLINE.We do have some Aristic/Bonner.SATISFACTION IS ALWAYS GUARANTEED AT LENETTE.We give a written guarantee with every Pom sold.Pomeranian SJSWOSM May/June 1991 5if not sooner, an...

The Pomeranian Review July 1991

10 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...ng for 2 days, 2 nights lodging in hotel2 females, D.O.B. 4/20/91. Show quality sire, Ch. Beaver Of Lenette son (full brother to Ch. Golden Aires Sherry Jubilee and Ch. Ben-Ray's Lil Bella Of Sherry's). Dam ...

The Pomeranian Review September 1991

12 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...rrymont Spring Fever"April"Sire: Ch. Merrymont Sat'rday Nite Fever ROM Dam: Ch. Great Elms Karen of Lenette ROMBreederPatricia J. Griffin 2767 Calumet St. Winston-Salem, NC27106 (919) 724-7562Owner S. R. Whi...

The Pomeranian Review January 1992

7 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...e as he looks...Bev-Nor's Little Showstopper(BIS Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge x Great Elms Andrea of Lenette)'Spanky' is pictured here at 4 months of age. He was entrusted to us by his breeder, Bev Norris, an...

The Pomeranian Review March 1992

17 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... 27 President Road Mastic Beach, NY 11951 (516) 281-824614 March/April 1992 Pomeranian S^7QS\5!/ *V)Lenette (PomeraniansBreeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, N.C. 28081 Phone: (...

The Pomeranian Review May 1992

3 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... Place - Emcee's Simplemente Miel (Diana Downey & Morris Carson)4th Place - Ch. Great Elms Honey of Lenette (Patricia Griffin)Veteran Bitches, 9 years and older1st Place - Ch. LLL Mite of Gold Suzanna ROMX (...

The Pomeranian Review July 1992

14 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...SQSW ftfMMffi) mWn1II1CH. ALLAYN'S FEEL THE HEAT(Ch. Allayn's Sinnerman Toast x Great Elms Becky of Lenette)1"( Hr. mlA_1<22You've met our young upcoming stud "Spanky," now meet our mature stud! You first sa...

The Pomeranian Review September 1992

15 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... Mark of Distinction II CJ's Rum and Coca-ColaCJ's Shelly of Chestnut GroveCh. Great Elms Bemice of LenetteOrange Female Breeder: K. G. Griffith Owner: Karen SausmanCh. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Ch. Grea...

The Pomeranian Review November 1992

7 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...rbob), Evelyn & Rollie Conley (Lyn-Lee), David Edwards (ShrDa), Nina Epps (Oakridge), Ken Griffith (Lenette), Sharon Hanson (Jan-Shar), Bonnie Harris (Tresstique), Chris & John Heartz (Chriscendo), Maria Kne...

The Pomeranian Review January 1993

7 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...find all those who qualify, but I do need your help.Register of Merit Dogs and BitchesCh. Beaver of Lenette Ch. Chriscendo Calvin Klein Ch. Great Elms Firefighter Ch. Great Elms Firestarter Homestead's Secon...

The Pomeranian Review May 1993

3 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...sted Fudge Ch Bev-Noris Statesman Bev-Noris Tess Bev-Nor's Some Like It HotCh Great Elms Lil Man of Lenette Bev-Noris Sparkling Sherry Molly of LenetteCh Keisler's Toasty Miz KaylaOrange Sable FemaleBreeder:...

The Pomeranian Review April 1990

5 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...Kansas City, Mo. 64151 816-741-1650Am. Can. Ch. De Artas Rock Musicf1 VPage 18 April 1990/Pom ReviewLenette 'PomeraniansaBEST OF BREED or VARIETYDANVILLE KENNEL CLUB wmcm euWJTOBTCh. Beaver of Lenette Ch. Gr...

The Pomeranian Review July 1990

42 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...2Yolanda'sCh Great Elms Irmstopper Image Ch Models Timstopper Echo Majectic April Love Ch Beaver of LenetteMaples Rowdy Boy Tinkerbell of LenetteLennis Dragon Lady Ch Apples Traveling Diamond Ch Cedarwoods I...

The Pomeranian Review October 1990

11 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...rr wte,% WJfc-vC;yali C>W'CONGRATULATIONS TO Dixieanne Berrnet on her new Ch. Lord Dragon Slayer of Lenette. Sired by Ch. Beaver of Lenette. Finishing with all 5 pt. majors.CONGRATULATIONS TO Joyce Urban and...

The Pomeranian Review March 1991

4 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...Lake Road Kannapolis, N. C. 28081 Phone: (704) 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, Owner<9*Great Elms Joey of Lenette x Great Elms Prissy of Lenette(One female is still available from this litter).Puppies are generall...

The Pomeranian Review May 1991

4 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...IZE IN THE GREAT ELMS BLOODLINE.We do have some Aristic/Bonner.SATISFACTION IS ALWAYS GUARANTEED AT LENETTE.We give a written guarantee with every Pom sold.Pomeranian SJSWOSM May/June 1991 5if not sooner, an...

The Pomeranian Review July 1991

10 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...ng for 2 days, 2 nights lodging in hotel2 females, D.O.B. 4/20/91. Show quality sire, Ch. Beaver Of Lenette son (full brother to Ch. Golden Aires Sherry Jubilee and Ch. Ben-Ray's Lil Bella Of Sherry's). Dam ...

The Pomeranian Review September 1991

12 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...rrymont Spring Fever"April"Sire: Ch. Merrymont Sat'rday Nite Fever ROM Dam: Ch. Great Elms Karen of Lenette ROMBreederPatricia J. Griffin 2767 Calumet St. Winston-Salem, NC27106 (919) 724-7562Owner S. R. Whi...

The Pomeranian Review January 1992

7 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...e as he looks...Bev-Nor's Little Showstopper(BIS Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge x Great Elms Andrea of Lenette)'Spanky' is pictured here at 4 months of age. He was entrusted to us by his breeder, Bev Norris, an...

The Pomeranian Review March 1992

17 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... 27 President Road Mastic Beach, NY 11951 (516) 281-824614 March/April 1992 Pomeranian S^7QS\5!/ *V)Lenette (PomeraniansBreeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, N.C. 28081 Phone: (...

The Pomeranian Review May 1992

3 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... Place - Emcee's Simplemente Miel (Diana Downey & Morris Carson)4th Place - Ch. Great Elms Honey of Lenette (Patricia Griffin)Veteran Bitches, 9 years and older1st Place - Ch. LLL Mite of Gold Suzanna ROMX (...

The Pomeranian Review July 1992

14 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...SQSW ftfMMffi) mWn1II1CH. ALLAYN'S FEEL THE HEAT(Ch. Allayn's Sinnerman Toast x Great Elms Becky of Lenette)1"( Hr. mlA_1<22You've met our young upcoming stud "Spanky," now meet our mature stud! You first sa...

The Pomeranian Review September 1992

15 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... Mark of Distinction II CJ's Rum and Coca-ColaCJ's Shelly of Chestnut GroveCh. Great Elms Bemice of LenetteOrange Female Breeder: K. G. Griffith Owner: Karen SausmanCh. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Ch. Grea...

The Pomeranian Review November 1992

7 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...rbob), Evelyn & Rollie Conley (Lyn-Lee), David Edwards (ShrDa), Nina Epps (Oakridge), Ken Griffith (Lenette), Sharon Hanson (Jan-Shar), Bonnie Harris (Tresstique), Chris & John Heartz (Chriscendo), Maria Kne...

The Pomeranian Review January 1993

7 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...find all those who qualify, but I do need your help.Register of Merit Dogs and BitchesCh. Beaver of Lenette Ch. Chriscendo Calvin Klein Ch. Great Elms Firefighter Ch. Great Elms Firestarter Homestead's Secon...

The Pomeranian Review May 1993

3 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...sted Fudge Ch Bev-Noris Statesman Bev-Noris Tess Bev-Nor's Some Like It HotCh Great Elms Lil Man of Lenette Bev-Noris Sparkling Sherry Molly of LenetteCh Keisler's Toasty Miz KaylaOrange Sable FemaleBreeder:...