Tip: Separate multiple keywords using a semicolon (;) for best results. If using proper names, try to use proper casing (although even in the text, it sometimes varies).
The Pomeranian Review November 1991

5 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... he was very good and had many things I have been striving for in my breeding program. He is also a blue. At his first and only match, he not only took the breed over older Poms, but a Group I over a good...

The Pomeranian Review January 1992

4 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...NY 11951-0501 Tel# (516) 399-3199 Fax# (516) 399-3182Business ManagerMarie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Tel# (516) 363-9524CirculationSubscriptions(Brenda % Mutton R102 Tudor Lane Lansing...

The Pomeranian Review March 1992

3 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...breakable relationship.She excelled above the rest from the first. "Heel Forward." Novice A was all blue ribbons, a Dog World Award and a spot in the ratings. I was hooked, not only on Poms, but on the cl...

The Pomeranian Review May 1992

4 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...Y 11951-0501 Tel# (516) 399-3199 Fax# (516) 399-3182Business ManagerMarie CarCougfi8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Tel# (516) 363-9524CirculationSubscriptions Brenda % MuttonR102 Tudor Lane Lansing,...

The Pomeranian Review July 1992

3 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...Y 11951-0501 Tel# (516) 399-3199 Fax# (516) 399-3182Business ManagerMarie CarCougfi8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Tel# (516) 363-9524CirculationSubscriptions Brenda % MuttonR102 Tudor Lane Lansing,...

The Pomeranian Review September 1992

1 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...Y 11951-0501 Tel# (516) 399-3199 Fax# (516) 399-3182Business ManagerMarie CarCougfi8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Tel# (516) 363-9524CirculationSubscriptions 'Brenda %. MuttonR102 Tudor Lane Lansin...

The Pomeranian Review November 1992

5 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...Y 11951-0501 Tel# (516) 399-3199 Fax# (516) 399-3182Business ManagerMarie CarCougfi8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Tel# (516) 363-9524CirculationSubscriptions Back-IssuesBrenda %. Mutton Margaret Mc...

The Pomeranian Review January 1993

9 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

.......................................................................Marie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue; Blue Point, NY 11715; Phone: (516) 363-9524Subscriptions...................................................

The Pomeranian Review May 1993

6 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

.......................................................................Marie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue; Blue Point, NY 11715; Phone: (516) 363-9524Subscriptions...................................................

The Pomeranian Review July 1993

16 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

.......................................................................Marie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue; Blue Point, NY 11715; Phone: (516) 363-9524Subscriptions...................................................

The Pom Reader September 1993

6 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...inter's a hassle,The dogs hate it, too,But they must have their walks Tho ' they 're numb & you 're blue.Late evening is awful,You scream and you shout At the dogs on the sofa,Who refuse to go out.The dog...

The Pomeranian Review September 1993

7 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...................................................................... Marie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue; Blue Point, NY 11715; Phone: (516) 363-9524Subscriptions...................................................

The Pom Reader October 1993

6 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... CONRAD1677 Manor Road, Englewood, FL 34223 (813) 475-1724Shadm^fJ-KmnebSpecializing in Exotic Poms Blue, Lavendar, Chocolate, Black, and blue & white, chocolate & white, black & white Parti-ColorsRoute 2...

The Pomeranian Review January 1994

6 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

.......................................................................Marie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue; Blue Point, NY 11715; Phone: (516) 363-9524Subscriptions...................................................

The Pomeranian Review February 1994

4 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

.......................................................................Marie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue; Blue Point, NY 11715; Phone: (516) 363-9524Subscriptions...................................................

The Pomeranian Review November 1991

5 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... he was very good and had many things I have been striving for in my breeding program. He is also a blue. At his first and only match, he not only took the breed over older Poms, but a Group I over a good...

The Pomeranian Review January 1992

4 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...NY 11951-0501 Tel# (516) 399-3199 Fax# (516) 399-3182Business ManagerMarie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Tel# (516) 363-9524CirculationSubscriptions(Brenda % Mutton R102 Tudor Lane Lansing...

The Pomeranian Review March 1992

3 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...breakable relationship.She excelled above the rest from the first. "Heel Forward." Novice A was all blue ribbons, a Dog World Award and a spot in the ratings. I was hooked, not only on Poms, but on the cl...

The Pomeranian Review May 1992

4 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...Y 11951-0501 Tel# (516) 399-3199 Fax# (516) 399-3182Business ManagerMarie CarCougfi8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Tel# (516) 363-9524CirculationSubscriptions Brenda % MuttonR102 Tudor Lane Lansing,...

The Pomeranian Review July 1992

3 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...Y 11951-0501 Tel# (516) 399-3199 Fax# (516) 399-3182Business ManagerMarie CarCougfi8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Tel# (516) 363-9524CirculationSubscriptions Brenda % MuttonR102 Tudor Lane Lansing,...

The Pomeranian Review September 1992

1 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...Y 11951-0501 Tel# (516) 399-3199 Fax# (516) 399-3182Business ManagerMarie CarCougfi8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Tel# (516) 363-9524CirculationSubscriptions 'Brenda %. MuttonR102 Tudor Lane Lansin...

The Pomeranian Review November 1992

5 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...Y 11951-0501 Tel# (516) 399-3199 Fax# (516) 399-3182Business ManagerMarie CarCougfi8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Tel# (516) 363-9524CirculationSubscriptions Back-IssuesBrenda %. Mutton Margaret Mc...

The Pomeranian Review January 1993

9 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

.......................................................................Marie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue; Blue Point, NY 11715; Phone: (516) 363-9524Subscriptions...................................................

The Pomeranian Review May 1993

6 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

.......................................................................Marie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue; Blue Point, NY 11715; Phone: (516) 363-9524Subscriptions...................................................

The Pomeranian Review July 1993

16 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

.......................................................................Marie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue; Blue Point, NY 11715; Phone: (516) 363-9524Subscriptions...................................................

The Pom Reader September 1993

6 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...inter's a hassle,The dogs hate it, too,But they must have their walks Tho ' they 're numb & you 're blue.Late evening is awful,You scream and you shout At the dogs on the sofa,Who refuse to go out.The dog...

The Pomeranian Review September 1993

7 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...................................................................... Marie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue; Blue Point, NY 11715; Phone: (516) 363-9524Subscriptions...................................................

The Pom Reader October 1993

6 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... CONRAD1677 Manor Road, Englewood, FL 34223 (813) 475-1724Shadm^fJ-KmnebSpecializing in Exotic Poms Blue, Lavendar, Chocolate, Black, and blue & white, chocolate & white, black & white Parti-ColorsRoute 2...

The Pomeranian Review January 1994

6 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

.......................................................................Marie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue; Blue Point, NY 11715; Phone: (516) 363-9524Subscriptions...................................................

The Pomeranian Review February 1994

4 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

.......................................................................Marie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue; Blue Point, NY 11715; Phone: (516) 363-9524Subscriptions...................................................