Specialty Wins and Awards

Specialty Shows are shows are AKC dog shows in which only one breed or a group of breeds are presented. In some cases they are held as part of a regular all-breed show (a designated specialty) and others are a standalone specialty in which only that breed or group is judged. The biggest specialty of all is the National Specialty hosted by the American Pomeranian Club each winter. Winning an award at any specialty is notable but winning an award at the National is something special indeed!
I am pleased to have the opportunity to present my dogs at multiple specialties each year, and I make every effort to attend the National as well, not only to showcase my dogs but also to see what else is out there to continue improving my program and see how my dogs measure up.
Best Puppy In Sweepstakes, Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore (Silhouette's Saltwater Taffy)
Best of Winners, Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore (Silhouette's Shoot Your Shot)
Best of Winners, Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia (Silhouette's Simply Irresistible)
Best In Specialty, Pomeranian Club of Canada Regional (Can Ch. Silhouette's Shadow Summoner)
Award of Merit, Pomeranian Club of Canada National (Can Ch. Silhouette's Shadow Summoner)
Best of Opposite Sex In Sweepstakes, American Pomeranian Club Summer National (Silhouette's Strawberry Shortcake)
Sweepstakes Judge, American Pomeranian Club National
Best of Opposite Sex, Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore (GCh. Silhouette's Skip To My Lou)
Winners Dog, Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore (Silhouette's Sweet November)
Award of Merit, American Pomeranian Club National Specialty (GCh. Mythical Easy As Heck)
Best Veteran, American Pomeranian Club National Specialty (GCh. Mythical Easy As Heck)
Select Dog, Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia (Ch. InTime In A Pinch)
Best of Opposite Sex, Bay Colony Pomeranian Club #1 (GCh. Silhouette's Skip To My Lou)
Best of Opposite Sex, Bay Colony Pomeranian Club #2 (GCh. Silhouette's Skip To My Lou)
Winners Dog, Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore (InTime In A Pinch)
Select Bitch, Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore (Ch. Silhouette's Skip To My Lou)
Best In Sweepstakes, Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore (InTime In A Pinch)
Select Bitch, Pomeranian Club of Michigan (Ch. Silhouette's Skip To My Lou)
Select Bitch, Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana (Ch. Peperie Paper Doll Silhouette)
Winners Bitch, Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana (Silhouette's Skip to My Lou)
Winners Bitch, Bay Colony Pomeranian Club (Silhouette's Skip To My Lou)
Select Bitch, Bay Colony Pomeranian Club (Ch. Peperie Paper Doll Silhouette)
Best of Opposite Sex, American Pomeranian Club National Specialty (GCh. Silhouette's Strumbella)
1st Award of Merit, American Pomeranian Club National Specialty (Ch. Peperie Paper Doll Silhouette)
APC Top Sire, Ch. Dvortsoviy Pes Harli Invebel
Best In Specialty Show, Bay Colony Pomeranian Club (Ch. Silhouette's Scaramouch Bohemian Rhapsody)
Best of Opposite Sex, Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia #1 (Ch. Silhouette's Sweet Disaster)
Best of Opposite Sex, Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia #2 (Ch. Silhouette's Sweet Disaster)
Winners Dog, Best of Winners, Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia #1 (Silhouette's Shepherd's Pie)
Winners Dog, Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia #2 (Silhouette's Shepherd's Pie)
Best Owner Handled In Breed, American Pomeranian Club National Specialty (GCh. Silhouette's Stolen Kiss)
Select Bitch, American Pomeranian Club National Specialty (GCh. Silhouette's Stolen Kiss)
APC Breeder Achievement Award Recipient
APC Exhibitor Achievement Award Recipient
Winners Bitch, Sooner Pomeranian Club of OK (Silhouette's Seraphim)
Winners Dog, Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia (Dvortsoviy Pes Harli Invebel)
Best of Opposite Sex American Pomeranian Club National Specialty (GCh. Silhouette's Sweet Potato Pie)
Best of Opposite Sex, Westminster Kennel Club (GCh. Silhouette's Sweet Potato Pie)
Award of Merit, Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia (GCh. Silhouette's Stark In Winterfell)
APC Breeder Achievement Award Recipient
APC Exhibitor Achievement Award Recipient
Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite, Dallas Fort Worth Pomeranian Club (Silhouette Peperie Pickled Pepper)
Best of Opposite, Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia (Ch. Silhouette's Soaked In Bleach)
Winners Bitch, Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia (Peperie Piping Hot Silhouette)
Winners Bitch, Best of Winners, Sooner Pomeranian Club of OK (Silhouette's Soaked In Bleach)
APC Breeder Achievement Award Recipient
APC Exhibitor Achievement Award Recipient
Winners Dog, Best of Winners, City of Angels Pomeranian Club (Showcase Secrets and Lies)
Winners Dog, Best of Winners, Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia (Silhouette's Stark In Winterfell)
Best In Sweepstakes, Sooner Pomeranian Club of OK (Silhouette's Stormcrow)
Winners Dog, Best of Winners, Sooner Pomeranian Club of OK (Silhouette's Stormcrow)
Winners Dog, Best of Winners, Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines (Silhouette's Sellsword)
Best American Bred In Specialty, American Pomeranian Club National (Silhouette's Sword In The Stone)
Winners Dog, Best of Winners, Pomeranian Club of Michigan (Silhouette's Seriously!)
Best of Opposite, Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia (GCh. Dee Little Sleeping Beauty)
Reserve Winners Bitch, Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia (Dee Little Shake It Off)
Winners Bitch, Award of Merit, Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia (Silhouette's Sweet Potato Pie)
Reserve Winners Bitch, Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia (Silhouette's Seraphim)
Select Bitch, Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia (Ch. Silhouette's Surfacing) (twice)
Best In Sweepstakes, Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia (Ch. Silhouette's Surfacing)
Winners Bitch, Best Bred By, Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore (Silhouette's Surfacing)
Best of Opposite, Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore (GCh. Dee Little Sleeping Beauty)
Select Bitch, American Pomeranian Club National Specialty (Ch. Dee Little Sleeping Beauty)
Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best Puppy, American Pomeranian Club Specialty (Silhouette's Sweet Potato Pie)
Best Junior In Sweeps, American Pomeranian Club Specialty (Silhouette's Sweet Potato Pie)
Best of Opposite in Sweeps, American Pomeranian Club Summer National (Silhouette's Sweet Potato Pie)
Award of Merit, Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana (Ch. Silhouette's Ser Barristan)
Best of Opposite Sex, American Pomeranian Club National Specialty (Ch. Dee Little Sleeping Beauty)
Winners Bitch, Best of Winners, Best of Opposite, Award of Merit, Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia (Ch. Silhouette's Stormin The Castle)
Award of Merit, Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia (GCh. Silhouette's Ser Jorah)
APC Breeder Achievement Award Recipient
APC Top Dam, Ch. Pomstyle Sweet Dream
APC Top Sire GCh. Mythical Easy As Heck
Best In Specialty, Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore (GCh. Silhouette's Song of Ice and Fire)
Best In Sweepstakes, Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore (Silhouette's Ser Jorah)
1st Award of Merit - Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia (GCh. Mythical Easy As Heck)
APC Breeder Achievement Award Recipient
APC Exhibitor Achievement Award Recipient
Best of Winners, Sooner Pomeranian Club of Oklahoma (Silhouette's Smartphone)
Best Puppy In Sweepstakes, Northern California Pomernian Club (Silhouette's Sweet Summer Child)
Winners Bitch and Best Of Opposite, Northern California Pomeranian Club (Silhouette's Sweet Summer Child)
Best In Specialty, Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore (GCh. Mythical Easy As Heck)
Best Puppy In Sweepstakes, Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore (Silhouette's Song of Ice and Fire)
Award of Merit, American Pomeranian Club National Specialty (Ch. Silhouette's Shadowboxer)
Select Dog, Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia Specialty (GCh. Silhouette Surrender to Chriscendo)
APC Breeder Achievement Award Recipient
APC Exhibitor Achievement Award Recipient
APC Bred By Exhibitor Award Recipient
APC Top Dam, Sunterra Sweet Surrender
Winners Dog, Pomeranian Club of Canada National Specialty (Ch. Mythical Easy as Heck)
Best In Sweepstakes, Pomeranian Club of Canada National Specialty (Ch. Mythical Easy As Heck)
Best In Specialty, Pomeranian Club of Canada National Specialty (Am/Can Ch. Silhouette's Sixth Sense)
Best In Specialty, Pomeranian Club of Ontario (Am/Can Ch. Silhouette's Sixth Sense)
Best Junior In Sweepstakes, Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore (Mythical Easy As Heck)
Award of Merit, Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia (GCh. Silhouette Surrender to Chriscendo)
Best Puppy In Sweepstakes, Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia (Mythical Easy As Heck)
Best Puppy In Sweepstakes, Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston (Silhouette's Shadowkiller)
Winners Dog and Best of Winners, Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston (Silhouette's Shadowkiller)
Award of Merit, American Pomeranian Club National (GCh. Silhouette Surrender to Chriscendo)
Best Puppy In Specialty, American Pomeranian Club National (Silhouette's Surreal)
Best In Specialty, Central Carolina Pomeranian Club (GCh. Silhouette Surrender to Chriscendo)
Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite, Central Carolina Pomeranian Club (x 2) (Silhouette's Surreal)
Best In Specialty, Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia (GCh. Silhouette Surrender to Chriscendo)
Select Dog, Central Carolina Pomeranian Club (GCh. Silhouette Surrender to Chriscendo)
Select Dog, Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore (GCh. Silhouette Surrender to Chriscendo)
Award of Merit, American Pomeranian Club Summer Specialty (GCh. Silhouette Surrender to Chriscendo)
APC Exhibitor Achievement Award Recipient
Best of Winners, Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines (Silhouette Surrender to Chriscendo)
Best In Sweepstakes, Puget Sound Pomeranian Club (Silhouette's Sixth Sense)
Winners Dog, Best of Winners and Best In Specialty, Columbia Pomeranian Club (Razzle Dazzle Panic at the Disco - from the classes)
Best In Specialty, Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore (Ch. Silhouette's Speakeasy)