Warning: Undefined array key "HTTP_REFERER" in /home3/silhouet/public_html/dev/header.php on line 3 Silhouette Pomeranians: About Us
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Warning: Undefined array key "order_by" in /home3/silhouet/public_html/dev/queries/news.qry on line 21 11.24.2024 - We have a darling little boy available!
10.11.2024 - Marcy was WB/BOW/BOS today in Maryland for her final point! Finishing in just 8 shows!
Elizabeth with Ch. Silhouette's Stark In Winterfell "Bran"
About Me
My name is Elizabeth Heckert, I am 41 years old and currently living in Hampton, VA
with my pack of Pomeranians. I am an exhibitor and breeder of these wonderful
little dogs. I've been researching the breed since 1998 and began exhibiting my first show pom in 2002. My first
litter was born in 2004, and since then I've produced over 50 AKC Champion and Grand Champion Pomeranians, as well
as many wonderful companions in loving pet homes. I am a web developer for a NASA contractor so the Poms are
a much loved hobby for me.
As a proud member and corresponding secretary of the PCCV,
I welcome all Pom owners and admirers (pets and show alike)
to "LIKE" our Facebook page and attend a meeting!
I choose to work primarily with dogs descended from Chriscendo breeding because I have
always admired the consistency, beauty, and soundness of that line. In 2003
I began slowly working to gather together the right dogs to form the foundation
of my kennel. My search began with the help of my good friend Judy Green (Razzle Dazzle).
Judy has been a mentor to me since 1999. She sold me my first bitch which produced my first bred-by champion and co bred some of my early litters.
One of my early acquisitions was Am/Can Ch. Chriscendo Communicado ROMX "Chad" when he was
2 1/2 years old. I will always be grateful to his breeders, Chris and John Heartz,
for letting him come live in Virginia. Chad produced numerous champions for Silhouette and other breeders, and through
him I made many new friends in poms.
Many of the bitches I originally started with and the males I have bred to come from pedigrees derived from
Razzle Dazzle, Chriscendo, Sunterra, and CR bloodlines.
These lines all have an abundance of those characteristics I most admire: beautiful heads, plenty of coat,
short backs, up on toes with nice bone, sound movement, and elegant, high head carriage. The most influential pom my breeding
program has been Sunterra Sweet Surrender ROMX "Adia", a daughter of Am/Can/Thai Ch. Tokie The Legend Continues ROM,
who has made an indelible mark on my breeding program, and others', via her sons who were placed throughout the world.
Most of my current dogs and bitches are her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I will always be
indebted to her breeder, Doug Stratton,
for letting me have such a marvelous producer as my foundation!
In addition to my own stud dogs, I frequently send my girls out to be bred to some of the best
studs available. I try to send my girls to the best boy for her, regardless of cost or inconvenience.
I try to "think globally" and cooperate with others from different parts of the
world in order to work together to build a better Pomeranian. I look forward to the day when my
dreams come to fruition, and a Silhouette pom can be counted on to posess all of the characteristics mentioned above.
Since I began breeding seriously in 2007 my breeding program has produced nearly 40 American champions, and more overseas.
Most of these were finished with me or their owners handling as their quality spoke for itself in the ring. I am a diehard breeder/owner/handler,
showing most of my own dogs myself
and primarily in the bred by exhibitor class. It's always a balancing act trying to raise and train puppies,
and work a full time job outside the home, while also
traveling to shows and doing all the grooming and upkeep but it's also very rewarding. I love showing but at heart I am a
breeder and for me the most exciting thing is planning breedings and seeing what the outcome is vs. what I had planned,
and moving on accordingly. I try to learn with every breeding. Showing the dogs myself requires me to look critically at
each dog in order to show it to its best potential and improve upon it in the next generation. I have been honored to
hold the end of the lead when my dogs have won the Toy Group, Best In Specialty Shows and Awards of Merit at the National Specialty.
All the dogs spend time in the house daily when I'm home. They are free to play with toys,
nap in their beds, or romp with the other poms, just like any other pet. They are pets first and
foremost, show dogs second. I do have a separate kennel so they have somewhere to sleep and stay when
I am not home. It is climate controlled and cozy.