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Silhouette Pomeranians: Other Breeders

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11.24.2024 - We have a darling little boy available!

10.11.2024 - Marcy was WB/BOW/BOS today in Maryland for her final point! Finishing in just 8 shows!

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Elizabeth Heckert
Hampton, VA

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The Photos On This Site

Over the years, photographing my dogs has become almost a hobby unto itself! When I started out, I was pretty terrible at taking photos of dogs - when you're new to the breed, and don't have that "eye" for how the dogs are supposed to look, it is hard to CAPTURE that "breed type" in a photo.

Fortunately, I've had lots of practice now over the last 6 years. Every photo on this website of my dogs that is not a show photo was taken either by me (in most cases) or by a friend who was assisting me (usually Becky Johnson or Jennifer Munn). I'm always MUCH more pleased with photos one of us has taken than with the professional show photos!

I have received some very nice compliments about my photography. But I should mention that I probably never would have learned to take a proper photo without suggestions and encouragement from Doug Stratton and Chris and John Heartz, all of whom have taken some lovely photos of their own dogs over the years.

Photo Galleries

In the galleries below, you will find some of my favorite photos of others' dogs that I have taken.


Poms Owned By Others