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La Maison Au Contraire ROMX
Sire: BISS Am GChS./BIS Can Ch. Silhouette Surrender To Chriscendo Am/Can ROM
Dam: Ch. Starfire's Trouble N' Paradise
Breeder: Carla McBain Owner: Suherman Hartanto
Daria is a lovely, sound daughter of our Darcy out of a beautiful bitch who was Winners Bitch at the APC National Specialty in 2008. Daria is a free whelper and a wonderful mother.
Thanks so much to Daria's breeder, Carla McBain, for letting go of one of her three darling Darcy daughters! |
Daria is extremely smart and loves to follow me around when I'm doing chores. She is a great helper! She has a super solid little body that she passes on to her kids.
Daria is OFA Patella 0/0, OFA eyes clear and OFA Cardiac Clear at 4 yrs old
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