Freya Ch. Silhouette's Surfacing
Freya is an unusual color for us, cream sable. Her coloring combined with her animated attitude and brisk movement make her very eye catching in the ring. She finished in a total of 11 shows including the APC National, winning her last 5 shows in a row with a total of 3 majors, taking her last win at the Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore Specialty! Our fastest finish ever!

Freya at 8 mos old
Freya at 7mos old
Freya at 6mos old
Freya at 5mos old
Freya "the end"
Freya at 12 wks old
Freya at 14 wks old
Freya at 12 wks old
Freya 8 wks old
Freya 7 wks old
Freya 4 wks old