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Warning: Undefined variable $where in /home3/silhouet/public_html/dev/queries/news.qry on line 12
Warning: Undefined variable $where in /home3/silhouet/public_html/dev/queries/news.qry on line 12
Warning: Undefined array key "order_by" in /home3/silhouet/public_html/dev/queries/news.qry on line 21
11.24.2024 - We have a darling little boy available!
10.11.2024 - Marcy was WB/BOW/BOS today in Maryland for her final point! Finishing in just 8 shows!
Recent News
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Warning: Undefined variable $image in /home3/silhouet/public_html/dev/offspring.php on line 48
Warning: Undefined variable $comments in /home3/silhouet/public_html/dev/offspring.php on line 57
Warning: Undefined variable $collage in /home3/silhouet/public_html/dev/offspring.php on line 57
Offspring of GCh. Silhouette's Sweet Disaster ROM
GCh. Silhouette's Stolen Kiss (2020 APC Select Bitch)
(x Ch.
Stealurheart's Lover's Lock ROM)
GChB. Silhouette's Skip To My Lou (group winner)
(x GCh.
Marzipan Premiera Poland ROM (2018 APC BISweeps))

Silhouette's Silly Rabbit (Major pointed)
(x GCh.
Marzipan Premiera Poland ROM (2018 APC BISweeps))
Warning: Undefined variable $url in /home3/silhouet/public_html/dev/offspring.php on line 94

Silhouette's Saltwater Taffy (Major pointed)
(x GCh.
Marzipan Premiera Poland ROM (2018 APC BISweeps))

Silhouette's 'Houdini'
(x BISS GCh.
Fur Band Extreme Ascent (group winner))

Ch. Silhouette's Sweet Tart
(x Am GCh./BISS Can Ch.
InTime Poms In A Pinch ROMX (2022 APC Top Sire))

Ch. Silhouette's Sweet November
(x Am GCh./BISS Can Ch.
InTime Poms In A Pinch ROMX (2022 APC Top Sire))
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