Dallas was my first show dog, and proudly owned the title of "heart dog" around here at Silhouette for 15 years. He was a great dog for a newbie to learn on, very steady in the ring, and beautiful to boot! His adorable little face and sable coloring are one of a kind, just like he is.
Many thanks to Dallas's breeder Robert Stratton (Windmist) for taking a chance on a new person and letting me have Dallas all those years ago. A big thanks too to Robert's brother Doug, who has become a great friend. I'm glad Dallas not only gave me a great start in poms, but helped me get to know such great people in the breed!
In Loving Memory August 5, 2001 - June 15, 2017
Dallas was a sound fantastic boy right up into his teen years. I will be forever grateful to Doug and Robert for letting him be part of my life!