03.10.2025 - Alicent was Best Junior Puppy in Sweepstakes at the APC National specialty at exactly 6 months old!! Our girls put in a strong performance in the regular classes with three 2nd place class wins and a 4th place for our 4 entries.

11.24.2024 - We have a darling little boy available!

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Before showing with me in the US, Dallas was shown in Canada. Dallas went WD/BOW his first weekend out on March 30th, 2002 for his first 3 Canadian points. Then he went WD/BOW again on March 31st for another 3 points, and on to Best Puppy in Toy Group! The next weekend he took another Puppy Group 1st on April 5th and went BOB over a special on April 6th to finish! A HUGE thanks to Robert Stratton for handling him for me, and to Deena Simon for putting his last Canadian points on him.

10/27/2002 Charlottesville-Albermarle KC WD/BOW/BOB (over a special) Mrs. Charlotte Patterson 2
11/10/2002 Mispillion KC WD Mr. Forrest W. McCoy 1
11/16/2002 KC of Philadelphia WD Dr. Robert D. Smith 1
11/25/2002 Upper Marlboro KC WD/BOW/BOB Mr. Warren H. Johnson 1
01/18/2003 Camden County KC WD/BOW Mrs. Bettie L. Krause 5 major
Total: 10 pts / 1 majors

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