BISS GCh. Mythical Easy As Heck ROM (2014 APC Top Sire)
Sire: Can Ch. Mythical To Heck With It Dam: Can Ch. Mythical Walk In The Park (group winner) Breeder: Nady Godbout (Mythical) Owner: Elizabeth Heckert & Nady Godbout
May 8, 2011 - March 29, 2023
Kert was bred by my friend Nady Godbout in Canada. He was born on my birthday, so Nady jokingly called him "Heckert" (my last name). His dad is the pretty Can Ch. Mythical To Heck With It "Hector" and his mom is a pretty girl who is loosely linebred on Ch. Pufpride Sweet Dreams ROMS "Parker". Kert has the same sire as GCh. Hitimes What The Inferno "Danny", the top winning Pomeranian in the history of the breed (a record previously held by "Parker" himself).
Kert has 0/0 Patellas and is Cardiac normal and CERF'd clear
He was the APC Top Sire for 2014! His daughter Couture's Heck of a Day was RWB at the 2015 APC National Specialty.
May 8, 2011 - March 29, 2023
My sincere thanks to his breeder, Nady Godbout, for thinking Kert would be just what I needed. Kert finished with FOUR majors at 13mos old!! He finished his Grand Championship not long after. He has only shown limitedly as a special but won Best In Specialty at the Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore in 2013, and a group placement in one of his few outings as a special.
Kert has gone on to become a top sire, and his kids have gone on to produce well also. At nearly 11 years old, he strutted his way to not only Best Veteran In Specialty, but also the 3rd Award of Merit (out of 5, in an entry of 200 plus Pomeranians) at the 2022 APC National Specialty.