11.24.2024 - We have a darling little boy available!

10.11.2024 - Marcy was WB/BOW/BOS today in Maryland for her final point! Finishing in just 8 shows!

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Elizabeth Heckert
Hampton, VA

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Kert finished his championship with 4 majors at 13mos old! He took a short trip up to Canada and won Winners Dog at the Pomeranian Club of Canada National Specialty in July 2012. He finished his Grand Championship quickly in limited showing and while shown sparingly as a special won a Best In Specialty Show at 2 yrs old.

We hope to show Kert a little in 2014 along with some of his kids.

01/14/2012 Pomeranian Club of Central VA Best In Sweeps Mrs. Sue Woodle -
01/21/2012 Caroll KC WD/BOW Mr. Houston Clark 1
01/28/2012 Middle Peninsula KC of VA WD/BOW Mr. Darryl Vice 1
01/29/2012 Middle Peninsula KC of VA WD/BOW Glen Lajeski 1
02/04/2012 Boardwalk KC of Cape May County WD/BPIG Mr. Frank J. Washabaugh 3 major
02/19/2012 Maryland KC WD/BOW Mr. Robert D. Ennis 1
04/08/2012 Shenandoah Valley KC WD/BOW Mr. Malcolm E. Moore 1
04/22/2012 Baltimore County KC WD Mrs. Murrel Purkhiser 3 major
05/20/2012 Mattaponi KC WD/BOW Mr. Alfred J. Ferruggiaro 3 major
06/23/2012 Virginia KC WD/BOW Mrs. Ruth H. Zimmerman 3 major
04/20/2013 Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore Best In Specialty Mrs. Carolyn Herbel -
03/08/2014 Shenandoah Valley KC Group 3 Mrs. Sue S. Woodle -
03/16/2022 American Pomeranian Club Award of Merit Mr. Curtiss Smith -
Total: 17 pts / 4 majors

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