Skippy is our pride and joy, a multi group placing and group winning bitch! She finished her championship in style winning back to back 5 pt majors at the specialty shows following the 2021 APC National Specialty, and going Select the next day as a move-up. Her sire is GCh. Marzipan Premiera Poland ROM who won Best In Sweeps at the 2018 APC National Specialty & an AOM the following year. Her dam is a daughter of GCh. Mythical Traveling In Style ROM who won BISS at the APC National as well.
Skippy finished her championship at the regional specialties following the 2021 APC National, in very stiff competition. Not a bad way to finish considering the crazy year that 2020 was, which had mostly put her show career on hold. Shortly after that she became a multi Group placer and owner handled Group winner! Skippy free whelped her first litter in fall of 2021 and then returned to the ring in the spring to win a Toy Group One! She is mostly retired but she may revisit the ring from time to time on special occasions.
We unexpectedly lost Skippy due to an unforeseen accident. Things will never be the same without her.