11.24.2024 - We have a darling little boy available!

10.11.2024 - Marcy was WB/BOW/BOS today in Maryland for her final point! Finishing in just 8 shows!

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Hampton, VA

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Skippy's ring debut was delayed by COVID in 2020, but at our first all breed shows under the new guidelines she won 2 majors from the bred by class! She then went on to finish with back-to-back 5 pt majors at the regional specialties following the 2021 APC National in extremely stiff competition. She then went on to win several nice BOBs over the boys, and multiple group placements before taking the fall off to have her first litter. She then returned to the ring in 2022 to win a Group 1! She has done well in the Owner Handler groups as well with several Reserve Best In Show Owner Handled and a Best In Show.

10/29/2020 Charlottesville-Albemarle KC WB/BOW/BOS (over 3 specials) Mr. Randy E. Garren 4 major
10/31/2020 Warrenton KC WB/BOS Mr. Raymond V. Filburn, Jr. 2
11/01/2020 Old Dominion KC of Northern Virginia WB/BOW/BOS Mr. Alfred J. Ferruggiaro 3 major
03/19/2021 Bay Colony Pomeranian Club WB Mrs. Kelly D. Reimschiissel 5 major
03/20/2021 Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana WB Mr. Robert Hutton 5 major
04/23/2021 Chesapeake Toy Dog Fanciers Assoc Group 3 Mr. Bradley Jenkins -
06/13/2021 Skyline KC Group 2 Mrs. Nancy Liebes -
04/10/2022 Shawnee KC Group 1 Mrs. Sandra Walker -
06/25/2022 Virginia KC Best In Show Owner Handled Catherine Bell -
Total: 19 pts / 4 majors

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