11.24.2024 - We have a darling little boy available!

10.11.2024 - Marcy was WB/BOW/BOS today in Maryland for her final point! Finishing in just 8 shows!

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Ch. Silhouette's Sittin' Pretty ROM

(BISS GCh. Mythical Easy As Heck ROM (2014 APC Top Sire) x Ch. Pomstyle Sweet Dream ROMX (2014 APC Top Dam))

[ Pedigree ]

Isolde finished at under 9mos old with 4 majors, finishing with back to back 3, 4 and 5 pt majors! Isolde proved to be a super mother free whelping a litter of 3 despite weighing only 4 1/4 lbs. One of these is our wonderful "Bran"!
Isolde is OFA cardiac normal, OFA eyes clear, and OFA 0/1 patellas

Isolde at 9mos old

Isolde 7mos old

Isolde 7mos old

Isolde 5mos old

Isolde at 12 wks old

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