11.24.2024 - We have a darling little boy available!

10.11.2024 - Marcy was WB/BOW/BOS today in Maryland for her final point! Finishing in just 8 shows!

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Offspring of Am/BISS Can Ch. Silhouette's Sixth Sense ROM

Hi Times N Cahoots W Silhouette
(x Star Haven Ohso's Story of Glory )

Nowland's Neo You're The One
(x Ch. Nowland's Sultry Strutin Salena )

Nowland's Janie's Got A Gun (major pointed)
(x Ch. Nowland's Sultry Strutin Salena )

Ch. Nowland's Sultry Strutn Sensation of Zeigen
(x Ch. Nowland's Sultry Strutin Salena )

Nowland's Sultry Silhouette
(x Ch. Nowland's Sultry Strutin Salena )

Ch. Mythical Salt of the Earth
(x Earth Song By Lauras )

Mythical Heaven On Earth
(x Earth Song By Lauras )

Chriscendo Coincidence (pointed)
(x Can Ch. Chriscendo Come To Th' Dark Side )

BIS Rus Ch. Hitimes Read My Lips (major pointed, APC National WD 2014)
(x Randy's Huckleberrie Kizzes )

CasaNova's Burning The InSense
(x Randy's Huckleberrie Kizzes )

Ch. Hitimes Sense N Sensibility
(x Ch. Finch's Black Satin Dreams )

Can Ch. Hitimes Lady Pagan of Cheyenne
(x Ch. Finch's Black Satin Dreams )

Ph Ch. Hitimes Queen of Mean
(x Ch. Finch's Black Satin Dreams )

Can Ch. Hitimes Tainted Love
(x Ch. Finch's Black Satin Dreams )

Ch. Nowland's Little Darla Hood
(x Bravo's I 'Scream' You 'Scream' )

Nowland's Silence of the Lambs (major pointed)
(x Bravo's I 'Scream' You 'Scream' )

Ch. Nowland's Stir of Echoes
(x Bravo's I 'Scream' You 'Scream' )

Mythical Leap For Joy
(x Can Ch. Dru's Causing Heck at Mythical )

Mythical Leap In The Dark
(x Can Ch. Dru's Causing Heck at Mythical )

GCh. Mythical Sense of Humor
(x Mythical Laugh'n Out Loud )

Mythical Sense Ability
(x Mythical Laugh'n Out Loud )

Hitimes Russian Silhouette
(x Can Ch. Hitimes Must B Karma )

Can Ch. Kristari's Divine Sense
(x Can Ch. Cheyennes Diva at Kristari )

Ch. Chriscendo Common Sense ROMX
(x Am/Can Ch. Chriscendo Call Forward )

Am/Can Ch. Hitimes Forbidden Fruit
(x Ch. CR Classic Creation )

Mythical 'Caylee'
(x Mythical Believe'N Yourself )

Mythical HTC Sense
(x Mythical Believe'N Yourself )

Can Ch. Mythical Family Heirloom
(x Mythical Star Wars Princess )

Mythical Sense of Adventure
(x Am/Can Ch. Mythical Princess of Ogres )

Mythical Common Sense
(x Am/Can Ch. Mythical Princess of Ogres )

Can Ch. Dru's Dream Sensation
(x Winterhaven's Cool Sensations )

Can Ch. Sugarlamb's Law of Attraction (pointed)
(x Can Ch. Sugarlamb's Rules of Love )

Chriscendo Colombianna
(x Chriscendo Cold Spell )

Ch. Mythical Easy On The Eyes
(x Can Ch. Mythical Walk In The Park (group winner))

Mythical Easy Does It
(x Can Ch. Mythical Walk In The Park (group winner))

Firesprite's Hot Gossip (major pointed)
(x Cin Dur Blame it on the Moon at Firespri )

Can Ch. Franca Onyx Sparks All Over
(x Can Ch. Damascusroad Franca Ruby O Sea )

Nowland's Princess Warrior Athena
(x Ch. Nowland's Strawberry Fields Forever )

Ch. Nowland's Let's Get It On
(x Ch. Nowland's Strawberry Fields Forever )

Hitimes Here Comes Trouble
(x Hitimes Holler Back Girl )

HiTimes Naughty By Nature
(x Hitimes Holler Back Girl )

CasaNova N HiTime's Fivn The I
(x Signature's Sweet Spot of the Bat )

Can Ch. CasaNova N HiTimes Knock Out
(x Signature's Sweet Spot of the Bat )

Mythical Sense of Self
(x Mythical Speak For Yourself )

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