BPIS Can Ch. Silhouette's Shangri-La
(x Am/Can Ch.
Pomhaven's The Edg of a Dream ROM)
Silhouette She Walked Thru Fire
(x BISS GCh.
Mythical Easy As Heck ROM (2014 APC Top Sire))
Silhouette She's THE Queen at Ivorilace (pointed)
(x BISS GCh.
Mythical Easy As Heck ROM (2014 APC Top Sire))

SunRyze Poms A Legend A Dream
CR Take A Ride On The Wild Side )

SunRyze Poms Legendary
CR Take A Ride On The Wild Side )

Sunryze Poms Living A Dream
(x Can/Am GCh.
AC Dynasty Dream Works )

Sunryze Poms A Dreamer Legendary
(x Can/Am GCh.
AC Dynasty Dream Works )