11.24.2024 - We have a darling little boy available!

10.11.2024 - Marcy was WB/BOW/BOS today in Maryland for her final point! Finishing in just 8 shows!

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Hampton, VA

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Ashton is currently showing on the west coast with co-owner Celeste Solano. He finished his American championship with 3 majors, finishing with a Best In Specialty win over 7 specials! He is also a Best Puppy In Show winner in Canada and has 6 points towards his Canadian title.

03/10/2009 American Pomeranian Club 3rd Place Puppy 6-9 Ms. Sandra Goose Allen -
04/12/2009 Ephrata-Moses Lake KC WD Mrs. Lesley E. Hiltz 1
05/16/2009 Mt. Baker KC WD Mrs. Donelle Richards 1
05/17/2009 Mt. Baker KC WD/BOW Ms. Janet M. Allen 1
05/23/2009 Spokane KC WD/BOW Ms. Christine Salyers Anderson 2
06/06/2009 Contra Costa County KC WD/BOW Mrs. Jacqueline M. Rayner 4 major
06/14/2009 Pocatello KC WD/BOW Mr. W. Everett Dean Jr. 1
07/11/2009 Nisqually KC WD/BOW Mr. Roger S. Pritchard 3 major
07/17/2009 Columbia Pomeranian Club WD/BOW/BISS (over 7 specials) Ms. Christine Feldman-Bartnick 4 major
07/19/2009 Portland KC Group 4 Mr. Michael Heflin -
Total: 17 pts / 3 majors

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