11.24.2024 - We have a darling little boy available!

10.11.2024 - Marcy was WB/BOW/BOS today in Maryland for her final point! Finishing in just 8 shows!

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Hampton, VA

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Cady made a BIG SPLASH at the beach her first time out... WB at her very first show at 6mos and 2 days old!

She singled out at exactly 7 months old with 12 points and a major in just 12 shows.

Cady finished her championship at 14 months old (after several months to recoat & major hunt) in only 22 shows, breeder/owner/handled from the bred-by class!!

Cady won the points or took reserve half the time she walked in the ring. Very impressive indeed!

10/29/2004 Langley KC WB Mrs. Julie Holm 2
10/30/2004 Gloucester KC of Virginia RWB (to a 4 pt major) Mr. Raymond Bay -
10/31/2004 Virginia Beach KC Best BBE, BBE Gr 3 Mr. Randy Garren -
11/05/2004 Salisbury Maryland KC WB/BOS/BBBE Mrs. Jo Ann Colvin 2
11/06/2004 Salisbury Maryland KC (Supported Entry) WB/BOW/BOB Mrs. Charlotte P. Patterson 3 major
11/12/2004 Greater Philadelphia Dog Fanciers WB/BOW/BOB Miss Maxine V. Beam 1
11/13/2004 KC of Philadelphia WB/BOS Mrs. Anne Rogers Clark 1
11/18/2004 Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore BOS Sweeps Mr. Gerald Kripak -
11/21/2004 Upper Marlboro KC WB/BOS Mr. Roger Hartinger 2
11/27/2004 Boardwalk KC WB/BOW/BOS Mr. David J. Kirkland 1
06/18/2005 Charlottesville-Albemarle KC (Supported Entry) RWB (to a major) Mrs. Barbara Wood -
07/24/2005 York KC WB/BOS (over a special) Mrs. Joan P. Scott 3 major
Total: 15 pts / 2 majors

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