11.24.2024 - We have a darling little boy available!

10.11.2024 - Marcy was WB/BOW/BOS today in Maryland for her final point! Finishing in just 8 shows!

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Doreah finished her championship from the Bred By Exhibitor class.

05/03/2015 Trenton KC WB/BOW/BOS Mrs. Jacqueline Rayner 2
06/27/2015 Southern Maryland KC WB Mrs. Rita Holloway 2
06/28/2015 Tidewater KC of VA WB Mr. Randy Garren 1
07/05/2015 National Capitoal KC WB Ms. Terri Lyddon 1
08/22/2015 Mid Susquehanna Valley KC WB/BOS Mr. Roger R. Hartinger 2
08/23/2015 Mid Susquehanna Valley KC WB/BOS Mrs. Paula Hartinger 2
09/19/2015 Chesapeake VA Dog Fanciers Assoc. WB Ms. Joy S. Brewster 3 major
04/09/2017 Shawnee KC WB/BOS Mr. John Constantine 4 major
Total: 17 pts / 2 majors

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