11.24.2024 - We have a darling little boy available!

10.11.2024 - Marcy was WB/BOW/BOS today in Maryland for her final point! Finishing in just 8 shows!

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Jorah finished his championship with multiple group placements and multiple BOBs over specials! He is hard to miss with his perpetual "smile" and personality with a capital P! Watch for him in the ring as a special where he is catching some attention!

08/30/2013 Newton KC WD/BOW Mrs. Ruth H. Zimmerman 1
09/01/2013 Sussex Hills KC WD/BOW Mr. William deVilleneuve 1
09/02/2013 Cary KC WD/BOW Mr. Randy Garren 1
09/21/2013 Chesapeake VA Dog Fanciers Group 3 Mr. Jason Hoke -
09/21/2013 Chesapeake VA Dog Fanciers WD/BOW/BOB (over specials) Mr. Jason Hoke 1
09/22/2013 Chesapeake VA Dog Fanciers Group 4 Mrs. Kathy Bucher Sawyer -
09/22/2013 Chesapeake VA Dog Fanciers WD/BOW/BOB (over specials) Mrs. Kathy Bucher Sawyer 1
10/12/2013 Catonsville KC WD/BOW Mrs. Charlotte P. Patterson 2
10/13/2013 National Capital KC WD/BOW Mr. Johnny R. Shoemaker 1
04/12/2014 Harrisburg KC WD/BOW Mrs. Charlotte P. Patterson 4 major
04/19/2014 Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore Best In Sweepstakes Mrs. Victoria Oelerich -
07/06/2014 National Capital KC WD/BOW/BOB (over a special) Mrs. Sandra Walker 4 major
07/13/2014 Shawnee KC Group 4 Mrs. Elaine Lessig -
09/20/2014 Chesapeake VA Dog Fanciers Group 2 Mr. Joe Walton -
09/28/2014 Old Dominion KC of VA Group 4 Mr. Jason Hoke -
Total: 16 pts / 2 majors

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