11.24.2024 - We have a darling little boy available!

10.11.2024 - Marcy was WB/BOW/BOS today in Maryland for her final point! Finishing in just 8 shows!

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Pepper has been out showing with Aly Bell, and is now home looking for her last major! She won her first with Aly by taking Best of Breed from the classes for a 5 point major!

03/10/2018 Shenandoah Valley KC WB/BOW Ms. Melinda L. Lyon 1
05/12/2018 Denton KC WB/BOW Mr. Rodney R. Merry 1
06/02/2018 Central OK Toy Dog Club WB/BOW Mr. Ted W Eubank 1
06/07/2018 Acadiana KC WB/BOB Mrs. Anne Katona 1
06/08/2018 Acadiana KC WB/BOB Mr. Desmond J Murphy 1
06/16/2018 KC of Texarkana WB/BOW/BOS (over a special) Mr. James Fehring 2
06/17/2018 KC of Texarkana WB Mrs. Patricia V Trotter 1
07/08/2018 Dallas Ft. Worth Pom Club WB/BOS Mr. Johnny R Shoemaker 1
08/11/2018 New Mexico Toy Group Club WB/BOW/BOB (over a special) Mrs. Claire K. (Kitty) Steidel 5 major
Total: 14 pts / 1 majors

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