11.24.2024 - We have a darling little boy available!

10.11.2024 - Marcy was WB/BOW/BOS today in Maryland for her final point! Finishing in just 8 shows!

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Pilot is out showing in Alaska with co owners Clint and Marsha Taylor! He finished his championship with 4 majors and won a Group 4 his first time out as a special! While there have been few shows in 2020 due to COVID he did finish his Grand Championship on July 23rd, 2020! With his new owner Danielle he has since become a multi group winner!

07/12/2019 Kenai KC WD/BOW Mrs. Patricia V. Trotter 3 major
07/13/2019 Kenai KC WD/BOW Mr. Charles Trotter 3 major
07/14/2019 Kenai KC WD/BOW/BOB (over 2 specials) Mr. James G. Reynolds 5 major
07/26/2019 Cook Inlet KC WD/BOS Timothy Catterson 4 major
07/27/2019 Cook Inlet KC Group 4 Carolyn Alexander -
03/26/2022 Alaska KC Group 1 Mr. C Michael Benson -
03/27/2022 Alaska KC Group 3 Mr. Kenneth Berg -
05/29/2022 Tanana Valley KC Group 1 Mrs. Marissa L Clark -
05/29/2022 Tanana Valley KC Group 1 Mr. David L Kittredge -
05/30/2022 Tanana Valley KC Group 1 Mrs. Lynda Saranchuk -
Total: 15 pts / 4 majors

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