11.24.2024 - We have a darling little boy available!

10.11.2024 - Marcy was WB/BOW/BOS today in Maryland for her final point! Finishing in just 8 shows!

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Hampton, VA

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Sweetie is out showing with her co-owner Joan Behrend. She was RWB at the 2015 APC Summer National, her first show, and won her first points by going BOW at the 2015 APC Specialty at Morris and Essex Kennel Club for a 5 pt major! She finished with a 3rd major going WB and Award of Merit at the 2016 Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia specialty! She went on to complete her Grand Championship and won Best of Opposite at both the Westminster Kennel Club and the APC National Specialty in 2019!

10/01/2015 APC Specialty at Morris & Essex WB/BOW/Best Puppy Mrs. Jacqueline Stacy 5 major
10/01/2015 APC Specialty at Morris & Essex Best Junior In Sweepstakes Mr. Peter Pettersen -
11/08/2015 Mispillion KC WB/BOS (over a special) Mrs. Jacqueline Stacy 4 major
12/05/2015 Forsyth KC WB/BOW/BOB (over a special) Mrs. Joan P. Scott 1
01/17/2016 Charlottesville-Albemarle KC WB/BOW Mr. Desmond J. Murphy 3 major
05/20/2016 Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia WB/AOM Mrs. Rachal McKee Sager 4 major
02/11/2019 Westminster Kennel Club BOS Ms. Evalyn Gregory -
03/13/2019 American Pomeranian Club National BOS Mr. Edd Bivin -
Total: 17 pts / 4 majors

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