11.24.2024 - We have a darling little boy available!

10.11.2024 - Marcy was WB/BOW/BOS today in Maryland for her final point! Finishing in just 8 shows!

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Hampton, VA

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Viserys is major pointed with a BOB win from the classes!

07/01/2013 Rock Creek KC WD/BOW Mr. Chuck Winslow 2
07/05/2013 Northeastern Maryland KC WD James Jim Hupp 1
07/06/2013 Upper Marlboro KC WD/BOW Mrs. Paula Hartinger 2
07/07/2013 National Capital KC WD Mrs. Margo E. Klingler 1
08/25/2013 Mid-Susquehanna Valley KC WD/BOW/BOB Mr. Charles Olvis 4 major
11/02/2013 Back Mountain KC WD/BOS Mr. Robert D. Ennis 3 major
11/16/2013 KC of Philadelphia WD Mr. Randy E. Garren 1
11/17/2013 KC of Philadelphia WD Mr. Neville Hodgkins 1
Total: 15 pts / 2 majors

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