11.24.2024 - We have a darling little boy available!

10.11.2024 - Marcy was WB/BOW/BOS today in Maryland for her final point! Finishing in just 8 shows!

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Zoe won her first point at the Progressive Toy Dog Club at 8 months old! She is being shown by owner Joan Behrend. Zoe finished her American championship with 3 majors including a Best of Breed over ranked specials, and needs 1 point to finish in Canada.

02/06/2009 Progressive Toy Dog Club WB/Best Puppy Mr. Don Sutton 1
05/10/2009 Windham County KC WB Mr. Norman L. Patton 1
07/03/2009 Kenilworth KC Of Connecticut WB/BOS Ms. Barbara W. Keenan 1
07/05/2009 Naugatuck Valley KC WB/BOS Ms. Margaret A. Reed 3 major
09/26/2009 Suffolk County KC WB/BOW/BOB (over specials) Mrs. Britta Roos-Borjeson 4 major
09/27/2009 Westbury Kennel Association WB/BOS Mrs. Elaine Young 1
10/17/2009 Troy KC WB/BOS Mr. Robert E. Hutton 1
10/18/2009 Albany KC WB/BOS Ms. Bonnie Linnell Clarke 1
10/23/2009 Queensboro KC WB/BOW/BOB Mrs. Etta B. Orenstein 1
10/24/2009 Queensboro KC WB/BOS Mr. Alfred J. Ferruggiaro 3 major
Total: 17 pts / 3 majors

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